:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 ::

Did you know that George Washington was opposed to political parties? He believed they would divide and therefore damage our country.

Did you know also that the Republican Party arose in 1854 over slavery? Republicans did not believe in slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president.

Historically, the Republican Party has championed the right of individuals to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Meanwhile, the Democrats are still violating the U.S. constitution (see 5th and 14th amendments) and offending the American spirit in which the Declaration of Independence was written, via conveniently defining certain groups of people as non-human property and completely revoking their civil rights.

So it looks like both parties are still in the 19th century, and as a member of the Grand Ol' Party (GOP), I can say that I'm rather proud of it.

:: ashli 9:55 PM # ::
Go check out Weekly Reader (WR). In talking about the election and the parties you'll see them use terms such as "support freedom of personal choice and behavior" to describe liberals, but you won't ever see them use the word "abortion" (meanwhile, they tend to refer to conservatives as being resistant to change) . At any rate, I wonder why WR never uses the word "abortion." If there's nothing wrong with it, shouldn't we all be able to talk to our young children about it? Shouldn't the liberal parent be able to say to his child, "You know, Johnny, Mommy and I believe in a woman's right to have her growing child removed from her womb when she doesn't want him. That's called 'abortion,' and we're voting for Barak Obama, because he believes in abortion like we do." Maybe WR doesn't want to put the liberal in the position of having to correct Johnny when he asks, "So where does the child live after he is removed?"

LOL! Of course I'm being facetious. We all know that a liberal would couch the sick reality of abortion in deceptive terms of "a strong belief in not 'forcing' a woman to be a mother when she isn't ready." BTW, I don't want anyone forcing my daughter to have a child before she is ready, and I never want her to experience abortion. (Apples to oranges.) But then this brings me back to my original question: If abortion is only "not forcing a woman to be a mother before she is ready" then why is it a dirty word not fit for children's eyes to read?

:: ashli 9:06 PM # ::
This unintelligible moment brought to you by Ashley Judd.

I'm surprised that someone from Ashley's beloved Planned Parenthood hasn't called and programmed her to spout that "5-10 thousand" women died annually in botched abortions pre-Roe v. Wade. (In fact, Nathanson admits that he and NARAL just flat out lied about the statistics in order to push legislation and acceptance of abortion.)


:: ashli 1:51 PM # ::
:: Monday, September 29, 2008 ::
Turn your compassion into action.

The truth video (graphic) is here.


HT: a

:: ashli 2:30 PM # ::
:: Saturday, September 13, 2008 ::
Pink, Pink, you stink!

:: ashli 3:31 PM # ::
:: Friday, September 12, 2008 ::
Typically, I am a late sleeper. I never like to wake before the sky is filled with light. But I have a new responsibility that requires me to get up at 6AM on Fridays. It fills me with anxiety. In the black silence I repeat to myself that my heart belongs to God and my feet now travel to do His will. I tell me that I must live in the truth of the present and not in the horror of the past.

Eleven years ago I arose before the sun that I might travel 4 hours away and kill my child in a second trimester abortion. God washed me clean of that yet darkness' tattoo is upon me.

Like my child hopelessly lost to abortion, I will never escape.

:: ashli 6:40 AM # ::
:: Thursday, September 11, 2008 ::

:: ashli 7:39 PM # ::
"On Jamie Lynn's Pregnancy:
Casey is a sweet, well-mannered young man. Was I right in taking their word that the relationship was pure? Perhaps I should have questioned more deeply, but Jamie Lynn had never done a thing to raise even an eyebrow.

On Dec. 3 Jamie Lynn handed me a note. I unfolded it and read the words that would change our lives forever: "Mama, Im pregnant. I am going to keep the baby, and everything is going to be okay". Numb, I looked into my baby girl's unreadable face. Then I glanced at Casey, and in a heartbreaking second, I knew the note was true. "What about our talks?" I cried. "You told me you were a virgin....And you!" I railed at Casey. "You told me you'd never hurt her like this!" He hung his head.

I was shocked, angry, sad. I must be the most naive mother in the world, I thought.
Almost everyone tried to change Jamie Lynn's mind; most of her loved ones wanted her to have an abortion. I am proud to say she did not waver."

:: ashli 6:56 PM # ::
:: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 ::
"I think there is a really good chance that Sarah Palin could be president. And I think that's a really scary thing because I don't know anything about her. I don't think in eight weeks I'm going to know anything about her."

You know what's REALLY scary? That there might be ANYONE on the face of the planet who would even momentarily entertain political commentary from this guy (WARNING: Audible F-Bomb):

Matt Damon supports Barak Obama. And dinosaurs.
'Nuff said.


:: ashli 10:59 PM # ::
"Fowler told a colleague of his that Palin’s 'primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.'”

HT: The Raving Atheist

:: ashli 9:46 PM # ::
:: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 ::
"I haven’t been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food...just to come in second."

Obama has suffered much to put himself first. Good citizens of our nation, please, for the love of Obama, keep him out of the White House, for as you know, it is basically an extended-stay hotel. Voting for Obama could keep him away from his home for up to 8 long years. To make matters worse, there's a vicious rumor going around that the presidency might involve frequent air travel. Friends, we simply cannot risk it.

So, dear Obamites, do the right thing. Keep Obama in his own home with his babies and his wife and her home cooking. Consider the Barak's current address, and don't vote for change.

HT: The Raving Atheist

:: ashli 11:22 PM # ::
:: Monday, September 08, 2008 ::
"As to the question when human life begins, the answer to which is above Mr. Obama’s pay grade, oh, let’s go on a little tear. You know why they call it birth control? Because it’s meant to stop a birth from happening nine months later. We know when life begins. Everyone who ever bought a pack of condoms knows when life begins.

To put it another way, with conception something begins. What do you think it is? A car? A 1948 Buick?

If you want to argue whether legal abortion is morally defensible, have at it and go to it, but Mr. Obama’s answers here seemed to me strange and disturbing."

HT: a

:: ashli 3:47 PM # ::
:: Sunday, September 07, 2008 ::
"To be fair, it was Craig Ferguson, a late-night talk show host and self-described "vulgar lounge entertainer" who said Sarah Palin had a "sexy librarian vibe." Which is within his purview as a late-night talk show hose and self-described vulgar lounge entertainer."

Thanks, Christina Dunigan!

:: ashli 11:10 PM # ::
"Obama says he was too flip on abortion question

WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama acknowledged Sunday that he was probably too flip when he said it was 'above my pay grade' to answer a question about when is a baby entitled to human rights.

Obama gave his answer last month at a nationally televised religious forum sponsored by minister Rick Warren at his megachurch in Orange County, Calif.

Asked on Sunday whether the 'above my pay grade' answer was too flip, Obama said: 'Probably. What I intended to say is that, as a Christian, I have a lot of humility about understanding when does the soul enter into ... It's a pretty tough question. And so, all I meant to communicate was that I don't presume to be able to answer these kinds of theological questions,' he said in an interview broadcast Sunday on ABC's This Week.

In a separate interview, the answer to a similar question came easier for Obama's running mate, Sen. Joe Biden.

A Roman Catholic, Biden said he accepts his church's teachings that life begins at conception, but that the issue is personal for him. He said it wouldn't be right to impose his views on others who are just as religious as he is.

'I'm prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception. But that is my judgment,' Biden said on NBC's Meet the Press. 'For me to impose that judgment on everyone else who is equally and maybe even more devout than I am seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society.'"

Lame, lame, lame.

First, some people believe in having sex with their children, but none of us pauses for even a milisecond before saying, "Hey, man, that's just wrong, and it will not be tolerated." Biden's answer is illogical and substandard. I'd like more substance and rationality in my leadership, thank you very much.

Next, when God refers to fetuses as babies Christians clearly know (or should know) that a human being is a human being from conception. That is only one of many examples of how God views the unborn, and anyone who is familiar with his/her Bible knows it. Btw, Bible knowledge is one thing that can separate the genuine followers of Christ from the poseurs.

I don't want leadership that talks a good game. I want leadership that lives it. Sarah's first child, son and grandson are the proof in the puddin'; Sarah alone is more than enough to earn my vote for McCain.

When does life begin? Obama doesn't know, Biden doesn't know. Dang, men, get some testicles already. Come up with an answer. Don't use belief, don't even talk about souls. Just get yourself to the nearest Jr. High and study an 8th grade biology text for about 5 minutes for Pete's sake.

I for one would appreciate it much more if Obama/Biden would take a stance, any stance, even if it's one I don't support. I have much more respect for "Fetuses are non-persons until they are born screaming, so it's OK to abort them," than I have for "I don't know if fetuses are people, so it's OK to abort them." The latter is much more troubling. It suggests that the person is not the kind of person who would knowingly advocate the killing of real children, however he acknowledges that possibility and is OK with it because he doesn't really know.


If I dropped a baby in a big box, closed it up with packaging tape, and handed you a sword, would you take a stab at the box because there might be a chance that you would miss the child? Or would you merely call the police?

When we are talking about the possibility that abortion kills living human children, holy smokes, shouldn't we err on the side of caution?!? Shouldn't we come up with an answer before we come up with a law about it? It's the only logical thing to do.

Who in the world wants a leader who says, "Eh, I don't know...yeah, maybe we could be killing people...I support it." IMHO, that's mental illness on the part of the candidate and his constituents.

Wake up, America.

:: ashli 10:04 PM # ::

"We got to know Barack and Michelle Obama, two tall, thin, rich, beautiful people who don’t perspire, but who nonetheless feel compassion for their squatter and smellier fellow citizens. We know that Barack could have gone to a prestigious law firm, like his big donors in the luxury boxes, but he chose to put his ego aside to become a professional politician, president of the United States and redeemer of the human race. We heard about his time as a community organizer, the three most fulfilling months of his life.

We were thrilled by his speech in front of the Greek columns, which were conscientiously recycled from the concert, “Yanni, Live at the Acropolis.” We were honored by his pledge, that if elected president, he will serve at least four months before running for higher office."

HT: a

:: ashli 4:21 PM # ::
Things that make ya go hmmm...

"After checking this out I found that In the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case, the U.S. Department of Justice named ISNA, along with dozens of other prominent, moderate Muslim-American organizations, as an unindicted co-conspirator and one of a number of "individuals/entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood."[1] [2] The case ended in a mistrial in 2007; a new trial is scheduled to begin in August of 2008.[3]"

Written by Alex Alexiev
Thursday, 28 August 2008

As the Democrat Convention's carefully-scripted coronation of perhaps the least qualified major party presidential candidate in recent American history builds up to its climax, few have noticed that the convention's most pregnant political message may have already been delivered before it officially started.

It came in the form of a decision by Obama's campaign to feature the president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Ms. Ingrid Mattson, at an "Interfaith Gathering" of Leftist religious luminaries the day before the convention opened (8/24).

In doing that, Obama and the Democrat leadership rather demonstratively bestowed their seal of approval on the largest and most important front organization of the American Muslim Brotherhood, a conspiratorial Islamist revolutionary movement dedicated, in their own words, to "a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands."

The implications of this political legitimization of a group dedicated to the destruction of our constitutional order are so profoundly disturbing that some background on what exactly ISNA and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) or Ikhwan Muslimi are is in order.

:: ashli 4:07 PM # ::
Clearing the (stinky) air on several counts.

Includes such tidbits as this:
"Yes, barring immaculate conception virgin birth (whatever), Bristol appears to have had sex with her fiancee. No, Bristol didn’t receive only 'abstinence-only' sex ed."


:: ashli 4:00 PM # ::
"The media has called her a sexy librarian look. Would you say that Obama is a sexy Will Smith look? They called her Tina Fey's sister, only sexier. I think you're being very sexist."

HT: a

:: ashli 3:58 PM # ::
Aw, go on and have your baby. Life may not be easy. In fact, sometimes it's the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life. But kids are worth it, and you CAN do it!

Here's a little one to tell you more...

:: ashli 2:22 AM # ::
:: Saturday, September 06, 2008 ::
In response to this post, The Raving Atheist noted:

:: ashli 5:51 PM # ::
Brack Obama For President!
(I'd vote for him before I'd vote for Barak.)

:: ashli 3:39 PM # ::
Don't think liberals use graphic images to get their point across? This image was just published online in an article by the Associated Press. The article entitled More and Less Than She Seems, included such tidbits as this:

"Last week when Palin was introduced to the nation she was described as a straight shooter.

But some of her positions, and her actions, are certainly more complex than they've been described, like getting rid of the governor's jet.

'That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay,' she told cheering Republican delegates at their convention last week. True, but she left out that it never sold on eBay. And so state staffers had to broker a deal with a buyer."

The article is a great example of the faux media scandals that liberals are trying to invent as they grab desperately at straws in a pathetic and rather impotent attempt to smear Sarah Palin.

:: ashli 3:12 PM # ::
Click here to watch a nicely put together clip that says absolutely nothing.

Doesn't it just warm the American heart to know that the throngs of people depicted in the above video could care less about gestating Americans. How inspiring! Especially to those of us who've been decimated by abortion. I particularly love the guy who says, "I don't want a nation just for me, I want a nation for everybody." Everybody except the roughly 4,000 American children who are slaughtered like pigs in abortions daily in this country. America is not for them. They can go to the devil.

Obama says it best when he says he will begin with words.
Words, words, words, words, and more words.
That say absolutely nothing.

By the way, the GOP has never attacked the American people. Their comments have always been directed at Obama himself and his qualifications, or lack thereof, for the presidency. Yet Obama and his llamas continue to dishonestly redirect the "attack" claiming that the GOP is raging against the American citizen. In an attempt that is so obvious as to be comical, they are hoping to manipulate America to get what they want, and many are pleased as punch to be manipulated. Being mentally manhandled by Obama is like psychic foreplay to his llamas. Barak never fails to titillate as he flips, smacks, and rubs them down.

This is just another reason to limit television in your household and teach your children to think logically and for themselves. Do this and they'll be less likely to drink anyone's Kool-Aid.

:: ashli 9:48 AM # ::

HT: That atheist guy again

:: ashli 9:18 AM # ::
:: Thursday, September 04, 2008 ::
Sarah KICKED BUTT last night, in spite of her teleprompter going out, and the Obama llamas aren't happy.Their dissatisfaction is compounded by what happened when Obama's teleprompter malfunctioned.

When asked directly for a response, Obama observed, "I smell from Sarah's scent that she is weak; I challenge her!"

HT: The Raving Atheist

:: ashli 1:46 PM # ::
:: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 ::

Sarah doesn't just talk the Christian faith, she lives it. Over 90% of children with Downs are aborted. Not Sarah's. She's running for the first GOP female VP, and her kid's teen pregnancy didn't just vanish into the thin air of a local planned parenthood facility. Sarah and her family experience the challenges of life like everyone else, but they meet those challenges--they don't back down and run away. That's the kind leadership I want for my country. Palin has my vote come November.

:: ashli 2:47 PM # ::
U.S. Magazine=rabid partisans who have turned their gossip rag into a propaganda arm for the Democrat Party

Also see: The Brangelina-fication of the Obamas (Hilarious!)

HT: The Raving Atheist

:: ashli 2:29 PM # ::
Re: Prenatal diagnosis:
From a review of My Child, My Gift:

"My Child, My Gift is PHENOMENAL. I read it in one day and cried all the way through, but it was so inspiring. I personally know people who will benefit tremendously from My Child, My Gift. It carries a message that helps provide comfort, guidance and even "permission" to a world of hurting people who desperately need to know that it's OK to move in a positive direction when experiencing the pain and confusion of a prenatal diagnosis. I believe this book will not only save and prolong lives, but will help people go through a superior, healthier, more "whole" process when they are faced with a prenatal diagnosis.

Madeline Pecora Nugent has done an incredible job and so have the parents who shared their sorrow, love and expertise in an effort to assure others that they are not alone and that they CAN go through such an experience in a way that honors not only God but also their child, their families and themselves. They teach us that pressing on is bearable and even preferable. I'm in awe.

My Child, My Gift would be a great book to give to parents, doctors, family members, co-workers, crisis pregnancy centers, perinatal hospices, etc.--anyone who deals with moms and dads who need TLC because of this issue. It is an especially useful, convenient resource for parents who could hand it out to those who are closest to them. This would be an efficient, loving and intelligent way of explaining and even validating their positive choices without actually having to personally do so.

My Child, My Gift is a blessing for those who already know what it means to truly love and for those who are learning how."

:: ashli 12:37 AM # ::
In honor of Trig.

:: ashli 12:28 AM # ::
:: Monday, September 01, 2008 ::
When I read the following quote from the foreword of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World I thought of my own experience with abortion and the related response of "pro-choicers" and "pro-lifers":

"Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most undesirable sentiment. If you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time. On no account brood over your wrongdoing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean."

What is, Huxley, what is?

The last line of the foreword reads:

"You pays your money and you takes your choice."

Indeed. You takes it. And it takes you. And you wake up in the Cell with the realization that you've been had.

:: ashli 5:44 PM # ::
Bristol Palin is pregnant at 17, and no one is lying about it or covering it up.

And certain dems still can't let go of the "Trig Conspiracy Theory." There is still the demand for Sarah's medical records! LOL! "Why don't they just go ahead and release them?" they cry. The Ace of Spades has this answer:

"Because you have many of the symptoms of AIDS-dementia and steroid-rage, and you're a conspiratorial crank lunatic, and we typically don't 'prove the Moon landing really happened' just because some sick-n-twisted brain damaged boytwat has some doubts about the 'flutter in the flag"


HT: A Friend

:: ashli 4:46 PM # ::
"Kiss air, Bill."

:: ashli 3:10 PM # ::

:: ashli 3:54 AM # ::

HT: GOPMom.com

:: ashli 3:41 AM # ::

To quote a dear friend:

"Sullivan has apparently just given up on the story after seeing some pregnant pictures of Sarah, although not without suggesting it would still be 'good' to get an official confirmation from the McCain campaign in the form of a statement from the delivering doctor. What gall. 'We've just hosed your teen daughter down with sewage in front of the world because of some graffiti rumors we saw on a toilet stall, but send us your medical records so we can be sure the scribblings weren't true and maybe we'll forget about it.'"

And how!

:: ashli 3:12 AM # ::
"Trig the Down Syndrome Baby"

Is it just me or are you also absolutely disgusted that anyone would refer to Sarah's little boy as "Trig the Down Syndrome Baby." How wildly offensive is that! And get a load of this: it's apparently a flipping PBS Kids-sponsored site for parents! LOL! And the writer is apparently a mother! LOL! For corn's sake, she has all the sensitivity, respect and tenderness of a crocodile. Scary.

Say, let's have some fun with this. Pick out one health issue you have and for a day refer to yourself by your first name and then reference your condition as though it defines who you are. For those of you with multiple issues, choose one and go with it.

Ashli the Degenerative Disk Disease Lady

:: ashli 2:13 AM # ::
"Don't vote for Palin or everybody dies."

:: ashli 2:12 AM # ::

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