:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Thursday, February 23, 2006 ::

This Catholic school makes me sick. So the teacher made a poor choice. She didn't compound that poor choice with an even poorer one: aborting the child she chose to risk making when she "kicked it" with a man who never officially pledged a thing to her.

No one argues, by the way, that facing an unplanned pregnancy as a single parent can be a daunting concept. Hello, this is one of the reasons kickin' it outside of marriage is kind of a bad idea. Unless you're into killing your children, which too many people are OK with these days.

This Catholic educator did not embrace the sex outside of marriage issue. She did not contend that it was her right to continue doing it, to publicly support it, she didn't hold placards on a sidewalk or do a newspaper interview extolling the virtues of premarital sex. She goofed. We all goof. That's why there's a Christian school in the first place: we all need Christ, baby.

If anything, they should have held the woman up as an example of messing up but having the faith to turn from it and "sin no more". She came forward, admitted it to her empoloyers, and assured them that she would pick up the pieces right here, right now... and live her faith by having a baby in spite of the embarrassment associated with being single and pregnant in her particular crowd. Egads! The only difference between her and everyone else at the school and church is that a sweet li'l baby bump advertises her specific sin. Whoop-dee-do. You know half the men in church get a hidden tingle up their spine with the plunging neckline of a sister-in-Christ. Don't tell me we're not a bunch of problematic animals; Lord he'p us.

I love this young woman. She's courageous and she's doing the right thing in spite of her employers' shabby handling of the situation and their sickening alienation of this gal. I'm glad Serrin Foster came out in support of the new teacher.

Maybe someone should inform the Catholic school that it might be nice if THEY actually "conveyed the faith and the gospel values".

Before anyone even says a thing, let me just clarify that if a Catholic teacher moonlighted as an abortion business escort, got caught, was lovingly chastised, reeducated, truly saw the error of her ways, and turned from them, I don't think a Catholic school should fire her either. She should be offered the chance to determine if she's still "wit' J.C." If she decides she knows "better" than what is written in His best-selling Novel, then boot her ever-lovin' arse right out the parochial door, wipe the dust from the sandal that imprinted her proverbial rear, and move on.

That's the distinction for me.

:: ashli 2:48 AM # ::
Apparently, I am obsessed with General Foods International coffee, the Cafe Vienna variety.

(I will seek professional help just as soon as I finish my current cup, Jean Luke.)

:: ashli 1:05 AM # ::
:: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 ::
I have been reading letters from an online abortion support group, and needless to say, I haven't been getting much sleep lately. While not judging the women individually, their attitudes and actions are atrocious. I contend that most women actually DO know that they are killing their children in abortions. And they're OK with that. Very OK.

This week we have situation one: [recently deleted as the mom is now waffling, and I don't want this post to push her over the edge]

We also have a British gal who was hired here in the States to nanny the children of a married couple whose male half likes to visit the nanny's bed often. She has already had a son by him, and his wife apparently doesn't suspect a thing. Baby number two was wanted by the nanny but not by her employer and so was aborted at 5 months in a 2-day procedure six weeks ago.

She talks very openly and matter-of-factly about the abortion business "putting the baby to sleep" with the shot (digoxin) and admits that after they killed the baby (my word, not hers) they asked her if she was there of her own free will. When she said that she absolutely was not, they said, "Too late now!" Isn't that precious.

She was in 2 days of horrible pain, and her "so relieved" employer told her to "take it like a woman". After "the removal" as she calls it, she was mad at the employer who went home and immediately knocked his wife up with a baby he is giddy about having. The angry nanny naturally responded with a heightened sex drive which is fine for her employer who still can't keep himself from her bed. She thinks she might be pregnant again, six weeks after the late term abortion of her second child. She is "pissed off" that her employer coerced her into aborting that child and wants to have another baby.

Why don't we see these conversations on General Foods International coffee commercials for Cafe Vienna?

"Ahhh... I remember that summer in France... my tummy was so big that 'the removal' was painful, but after two days Jean Luke told me to take it like a woman, and we were kickin' it like bunnies within six weeks."

I want to see this in a commercial, because this is normal, right? It's a snapshot of normal women with normal lives who are making normal "choices". Please somebody celebrate the frickin moments of their lives, because I just don't have enough of my own putrid fodder keeping me awake at night.

Cripes. Forget the kids, folks, because they're just not the concern. In the land of looking good in a bikini, boobies, not babies, are the point of appeal.

This is where we are after 30 years of abortion. I don't even want to imagine where we're headed.

:: ashli 3:43 PM # ::
:: Sunday, February 19, 2006 ::
"...you believe that any woman who objects to abortion on moral grounds is wrong and has been tricked and infantilized into reaching that conclusion."

"...abortion ruins lives, the life taken and the life left behind. If you believe that CPCs ruin lives, get out your placards, gather your victims, and rally at their doorsteps. But if you truly 'can't saying anything' and wouldn't dream of 'coercing' a decision one way other the other, my advice to you is simple: shut up and stand aside. Because quite frankly, lady, you're just in the way."

A highly intelligent, super-rational kick in the ever-lovin' arse.

HT: Aa

:: ashli 2:50 PM # ::
"For an abortion at Tiller's when there is no fetal anomaly, all that needs to be done is filling out a form explaining why it would be harmful to your mental health to carry the baby to term. The counselor signs it and recommends you for the "maternal indications" program. And just that easy to obtain a 3rd trimester abortion at his clinic as long as you have the thousands of dollars to pay."

Do NOT miss her blog.

:: ashli 2:32 PM # ::
A friend brough his 12-year-old daughter with him to Orlando Women's Center yesterday as they reached out to mothers going in to abort their children. My friends offer financial assistance, medical care and assistance and friendship beyond birth. They are wonderful people who get spat on, insulted, cussed out, physically threatened and sometimes physically abused by the people who hate them, the people they have come away from comfortable homes and comfortable lives to love.

It's always packed at Pendergraft's early and late term abortion business. Mothers (and fathers) spill out on the lawn waiting for their turn in the stirrups. As they hurled insults at those who offered them love, the 12-year-old spontaneously began singing this song:

In My Daughter's Eyes

In my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the
world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me
strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand
around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart
has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daugter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy
she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes.

Those who were there to love wept.

There's something you should know: the 12-year-old is blind. Her sighted father says God gave her to him so that he could see. They go regularly to the abortion business in hopes of helping others do the same.

May those with (and without) eyes see.

:: ashli 2:04 PM # ::
:: Saturday, February 18, 2006 ::
"I doubt very seriously that any of those that oppose this bill ... had ever had the experience of standing over their grandson's casket and kissing him on the cheek and telling him good-bye, knowing that the state of Alabama doesn't even recognize that he is a child," said Roger Parker."

:: ashli 1:14 PM # ::
:: Friday, February 17, 2006 ::
"According to OR, the abortion facility is owned by Bertha Bugarin, who also owns restaurants."

Is it me, or is owning a restaurant just not the kind of information one wants to hear in tandem with owning an abortion business?

:: ashli 10:49 AM # ::
:: Thursday, February 16, 2006 ::
A brave, brave, brave, BRAVE woman.

HT: Aa

:: ashli 11:36 AM # ::
"Evidence Doesn't Matter" -- APA Spokesperson Says of Abortion Complications

Studies Showing Emotional Problems Not Relevant to American Psychological Association's Pro-Choice Advocacy

Springfield, IL (Feb. 15, 2005) -- According to a spokesperson for the American Psychological Association, the APA's pro-choice position, first adopted in 1969, is based on a civil rights view, not on scientific proof of any mental health benefits arising from abortion.

The admission that ideology, not science, governs the APA's support for abortion came in response to a request by a Washington Times columnist for the organization's reaction to a new study linking abortion to mental illness. The study tracked 25 years of worth of data on women born in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The researchers had expected that their data, drawn from one of the largest and most comprehensive longitudinal studies in the world, would definitively refute a recent series of studies linking abortion to higher rates of mental health problems. The Christchurch team, led by a self-professed "pro-choice atheist," Prof. David M. Fergusson, expected to find that any mental health problems occurring after abortion would be fully explainable by prior mental health problems, which some believe are more common among women who have abortions. Instead, the New Zealand research team found the opposite. Even after the researchers controlled for this and numerous other alternative explanations, abortion was clearly linked to elevated rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal behavior.

The findings so surprised Fergusson's research team that they began reviewing the studies cited by the APA in its claims that abortion is beneficial, or at least non-harmful, to women's mental health. The researchers concluded
(1) that the APA's publications defending abortion are based on a small number of studies that had major methodological shortcomings (a view that echoes former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop's complaint in 1987 that the research on abortion was too inadequate to draw any definitive conclusions), and
(2) that the APA appeared to be consistently ignoring a body of studies published in the last seven years that have shown negative effects from abortion.

The Christchurch team's criticism of the APA's selective and strong assurances of the mental health benefits of abortion prompted Warren Throckmorton, a psychologist and newspaper columnist, to call the APA for comment on Fergusson's criticisms. He was referred to an APA expert and spokesperson on abortion and women's issues, Dr. Nancy Felipe Russo. Russo was among the leaders within the APA who, in 1969, led the organization to adopt an official position in favor of abortion as a civil right. She has subsequently been active in research and advocacy efforts opposing parental notification and mandatory informed consent statutes related to abortion.

APA Is Not Neutral On Abortion Science
When asked to comment on the New Zealand study and the pro-choice authors' criticisms of the APA, Russo told Throckmorton that the APA's position on abortion was established on the view that abortion is a civil right. As quoted in Throckmorton's Washington Times column, Russo explained that the Christchurch study would have no effect on the APA's position because "to pro-choice advocates, mental health effects are not relevant to the legal context of arguments to restrict access to abortion."

In the first draft of Throckmorton's column, which he sent for comment to another expert on abortion research, Dr. David Reardon of the Springfield, IL-based Elliot Institute, Russo was quoted more bluntly, saying, "it doesn't matter what the evidence says." Throckmorton and Russo subsequently agreed to the clarification of her statement as it appeared in the Washington Times.

According to Reardon, an author of several of the studies on abortion that have been ignored by the APA, Russo's statements "confirm the complaint of critics that the APA's briefs to the Supreme Court and state legislatures are really about promoting a view about civil rights, not science. Toward this end, the APA has set up task forces and divisions that include only psychologists who share the same bias in favor of abortion."

Reardon believes the APA's task forces on abortion have actually served to stifle rather than encourage research. "When researchers like Fergusson or myself publish data showing abortion is linked to mental health problems, members of the APA's abortion policy police rush forward to tell the public to ignore our findings because they are completely out of line with their own 'consensus' statements which are positioned as the APA's official interpretation of the meaningful research on abortion," he said.

When is Relief Not Relief?
Reardon is especially disturbed by what he decries as the "one note" optimism found in position papers by the APA, Planned Parenthood, and other organizations supporting abortion.

Among the studies most frequently cited by abortion supporters are those that have asked women to check off a list of feelings they have after their abortions, often within just a few hours, a week, or a month of the procedure. The list may include words like "relief," "regret," "guilt," and "happiness." These studies have found that the most commonly reported reaction after abortion is relief. Indeed, the phrase, "the most commonly reported reaction is relief," frequently shows up in information and consent forms for abortion.

"All the emphasis on women experiencing relief is misleading because most women reporting relief also report negative reactions," Reardon said. "Indeed, when you add up the number of women reporting negative reactions, it regularly exceeds the number of women reporting relief."

The problem, Reardon says, is that while statistics on "relief" may have value in marketing or lobbying for abortion, they have little or no value as a scientific measure.

"Women are simply presented with this single word," he said. "So women who feel relief that they survived an unpleasant surgery, relief that they will no longer face their boyfriend's badgering to have an abortion, relief that they are no longer having morning sickness, or relief from any number of other stresses, are all lumped into the same category, even though their experiences are different. Lumping all forms of relief together helps to makes it sound like most women are reporting that abortion has fundamentally improved their lives, but it's a sloppy and misleading data variable. In fact, when you really look at the data, most of the very same women who are reporting 'relief' are also reporting grief, shame, traumatic reactions, or other negative feelings."

"Thirty-five years ago, when the APA joined in the effort to legalize abortion, they were promising more than just 'relief,'" he added. "They were insisting that abortion would fundamentally improve women's mental and physical health by sparing them the burden of unwanted children. But 38 million abortions later, there is still not a single statistically-validated study that has shown that abortion has actually improved the lives of women who abort compared to those who carry to term.

"Instead, if you look at the data instead of consensus opinions, depression rates are up, not down, among women who have had abortions. Suicide and substance abuse are up, not down. Premature deliveries are up, not down. But instead of including this data in their statements on abortion, the APA's self-selected panels of abortion advocates continue to distract the media from the all hard evidence linking abortion to higher rates of suicide, substance abuse, depression and anxiety by promoting meaningless statistics about relief."
Reardon says he is thankful that Russo has finally helped to call attention to the fact that the APA's position on abortion is principally based on a commitment to defend abortion as a civil right.

But this admission, he says, "should be weighed in light of criticisms against the trend toward 'consensus science' as a means of influencing politics. As one critic, best-selling author Dr. Michael Crichton, creator of Jurassic Park and ER, has succinctly observed: 'The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics.'"

Outside the context of the abortion debate, best selling author Michael Crichton, M.D., a 1969 graduate of the Harvard Medical School, described the disturbing trend of "consensus science" at a Caltech lecture in 2004, a brief portion of which is excerpted below:

I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had.

Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.
There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.

Excerpted from Michael Crichton, Aliens Cause Global Warming," Caltech Michelin Lecture, Jan. 17, 2003. (available online)
# # #
David M. Fergusson, L. John Horwood, and Elizabeth M. Ridder, "Abortion in young women andsubsequent mental health," Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 47(1): 16-24, 2006.
Warren Throckmorton, "Abortion and mental health," Washington Times, January 21, 2005.
David, H., " Retrospectives" From APA Task Force to Division 34," Population & Environmental Psychology Bulletin 1999, 25(3):2-3.

These releases and more can be found here.

:: ashli 10:55 AM # ::
New dance sensation.

:: ashli 10:50 AM # ::
YeeeeeeeHaw! It's time for a BBQ!

:: ashli 10:48 AM # ::
:: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 ::
For those who identify themselves as Christians and simultaneously believe in abortion, first let me say happy Valentine's to you; I'm glad your heart is beating and that you have the liberty to live and love.

Next, I present you with this heart-shaped box full of goodies:

There are three things that will endure - faith hope and love - and the greatest is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God's requirements. Romans 13:10

Let love be your highest goal. 1 Corinthians 14:1

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. Love never fails. 1 Corithians 13:4-8

Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Romans 12:9

Show that you love the Lord your God by walking in His ways and clinging to Him. Deuteronomy 11:22

I love all who love Me. Proverbs 8:17

...love your neighbor as yourself. Leviticus 19:18

I lavish My Love on those who love Me and obey My commands, even for a thousand generations. Exodus 20:6

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another , for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God - for God is love. 1 John 4:7-8

...love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5

...everything you do must be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

Bon appetit.

Happy Valentine's day also to my "right wing, lunatic, anti-choice, lifer" pals. Thanks for continuing to help me to understand what love really is.

(And it ain't killin' people.)

:: ashli 8:10 AM # ::
Remember this?

"Dear sir or maam:

I am not involved in decisions concerning advertising content. Your message has been passed on to our advertising department and corporate offices. They have issued the following release:

After re-examining the ads that were submitted by Will County Right ToLife, The Herald News has decided that the ads will be allowed to runshould this group decide to do so. For the record, the originaldecision to not run them was mine and at no point did I state that theads were "too graphic". If that was stated by a representative of thisnewspaper, it was done so in error.I e-mailed Jill Stanek Sunday afternoon and left a message with thelocal contact before 9:00am this morning requesting that they contactme. The purpose of this contact was to inform them of my decision.
Steve Vanisko
Advertising DirectorThe Herald News

Hopefully this will resolve any concerns you have on this issue.
Bill Wimbiscus
Managing Editor
The Herald News"

:: ashli 8:01 AM # ::
Are these becoming the next big thing in the "kinder, gentler" abortion? In getting "psyched up" for their self-imposed child loss experience, women in one abortion "support" group are talking about purchasing the product to symbolize the children they are going to abort. I don't think this is necessarily what the creator intended.

Cherishing a lump of clay that looks like your baby seems a little contradictory to me. Why not cherish your actual baby? I guess a little doll that sits on your dresser doesn't require any responsibility, which these days is evidently, a fate worse than death.

:: ashli 7:33 AM # ::
:: Monday, February 13, 2006 ::
From FFL:

Betty Friedan's Mixed Legacy

Betty Friedan, who launched the '70's women's movement with her 1963 landmark book, The Feminine Mystique, died on her 85th birthday, Saturday, February 5, 2006, in Washington, D.C.

Life for women changed dramatically after Friedan challenged the limitation of women's roles to wife and mother. She rightly deserves much credit from women today who can seek careers in professions previously open only to men.
It was one of the most significant social changes in history. But there is more to the legacy of the co-founder and first president of the National Organization for Women.

At the same time another movement was emerging—one whose mission would eclipse the goals of the NOW-led women's movement.

The other movement was founded by two men: Larry Lader, who was concerned with population control, and Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who had seen a botched abortion and believed that if abortion was legal, it would be safer for women.
Lader and Nathanson, co-founders of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, were unsuccessful in their attempts to persuade state legislators to repeal laws designed to protect women and children from abortion. Many of these laws were the result of advocacy and cooperation by suffragists, doctors and media a hundred years earlier.

According to Nathanson, who later became a pro-life advocate, Lader came up with a different strategy. They approached Friedan and other leaders in the women's movement whose goal had been equality, especially equality in the workplace.

If women wanted to be hired like men, paid like men and promoted like men, Lader argued, then women shouldn't expect employers to deal with women's fertility issues. Why should the boss contend with maternity leave and benefits, or time off when a child is sick, in a school play or in sports? If women could control their fertility, then women could compete with men for employment.
Friedan was reportedly not comfortable with abortion. To overcome her reticence, the founders of NARAL simply fabricated a false number of 10,000 women a year who had died from abortion. According to Nathanson the real numbers were probably closer to 500 a year.

With Friedan's acceptance of abortion, later editions of her landmark book were edited to include an epilogue promoting a “right to choose childbirth or abortion.”

Friedan's acceptance of the premise that women's rights should come at the expense of our children was a far cry from our feminist foremothers like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

The same women who fought for the right of slaves to be free and women to vote, also fought for the right to life. Stanton, who in 1848 organized the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, classified abortion as a form of infanticide. She said, “When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.” Victory Woodhull, the first woman to run for president, said that the “rights of children as individuals begin while yet they remain the foetus.”

Anthony believed that the solution to abortion would be found in addressing the root causes that drive women to abortion.

Stanton, who celebrated her maternity by raising a flag in front of her home, would have been well aware that women died in great numbers from giving birth. Women were a century away from the benefits of antibiotics, cesarean sections, or the prenatal care available to women in a developed country in the later half of the twentieth century, but Stanton did not believe that abortion was the answer.

Without known exception, the early American feminists opposed abortion in no uncertain terms.

A century later, Sarah Weddington successfully argued Roe v. Wade in part on the grounds that women couldn't complete their education if pregnant, and Lader and Nathanson convinced Friedan and other leaders of the women's movement that abortion was necessary to achieve equality in the workplace.
It became “Our body. Our choice.” And “our problem.”

Since then, women have struggled to make it in a man's world. Women often feel forced to choose between their education and career goals and their children. One can only imagine how the lives of 25 or 30 million American women would have been different if Friedan and her contemporaries had rejected abortion as a solution to the problems women face and instead told the NARAL founders “Women have children. Get over it.”

Though her legacy is mixed, Betty Friedan's work opened doors to women. This positive dimension should be remembered by all feminists. Feminists for Life will build on advancements for women in the workplace by pressing for more resources and support for pregnant women and parents, so women will not feel forced to choose.

:: ashli 1:43 PM # ::



:: ashli 9:17 AM # ::
:: Sunday, February 12, 2006 ::
A Hope monument is now in our state. I think it's a great thing, but personally I can't look at it. Way too powerful for me.

I suppose this says something about where I am at emotionally.

:: ashli 8:08 PM # ::
Here is a late Christmas present for all the abortion supporters out there:

My Achilles' Heel is when an abortion advocate rejects the truth of my experience. That gets to me like nothing else. It's like telling a Jew the holocaust never happened, that it's just a lie manufactured to conveniently drum up hatred for a certain set of "compassionate" Germans who were really just trying to help mankind.

Like those people who go completely off the chain when you say "Yo mama!", I just go internally ballistic when I am accused of making up my experience.

I wish to God, the Maker of heaven and earth, that I had made up any of it. Every fiber of my being groans that wish every moment of every day.

But damn me to hell, it happened. And nothing in the world can make it not have happened. Believe me, I've tried everything.

:: ashli 6:09 PM # ::
:: Saturday, February 11, 2006 ::
I got news for this poor guy: nobody but "pro-lifers" is going to call ,because they are the only ones who give a flying flip about his dead daughter and grandchild. Waiting for neutrality on the abortion issue, is an endeavor to collect cobwebs. The truth has been shoved so far down over the last 30 or so years that, regarding opportunities to speak honestly, the best policy might be to take what you can get and be glad to get it.

:: ashli 1:42 PM # ::
:: Friday, February 10, 2006 ::
Practical help for pregnant mothers with health issues.
(Thank you, mother and daughter Torres.)

HT: Christina

:: ashli 4:36 PM # ::
My letter:

"Your refusal to run ads that share a different viewpoint than your own is bias, pure and simple and bad for the news industry period. Shame on you.

Ashli ***
***, Florida"

:: ashli 4:07 PM # ::
:: Thursday, February 09, 2006 ::
My letter:

"Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle is not a medical expert and supports abortion making him perhaps not the best authority on the mechanics of the fetal body. Would it not have been more appropriate to talk to several leading experts who practice medicine in that field, gleaning opinions from several different angles?

Ashli ***
***, FL"

:: ashli 9:17 AM # ::
:: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 ::
Legal and safe!

"Despite abortion's legality, the study found that as many as one-third of women in India report complications following the abortion."

:: ashli 8:23 AM # ::
:: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 ::
I've had the identical experience time and again. When they run out of arguments it's "You have issues with tolerance, diversity and... violence. Seek professional help."

Hello, what?

HT: Aa.

:: ashli 9:30 AM # ::
So you've been beaten "senseless" with a baseball bat and are now in a hospital fighting for your life? Not to worry! No one will kill you... that is to say, as long as you recover enough from severe, traumatic brain injuries to accomplish certain monkey tests which "professionals" may or may not use to end your life in a court of law.

So no need to be anxious. After all, you have 8 whole days to heal and perform - ample time for anyone!

:: ashli 9:18 AM # ::
:: Monday, February 06, 2006 ::
Legal and safe!

:: ashli 8:57 PM # ::
One way of putting your heart where your mouth is might be to adopt an infant with special needs. Ever wonder what it's like to parent a little one with different abilities? CHASK and ye shall receive!

:: ashli 8:00 AM # ::
:: Sunday, February 05, 2006 ::
Many of these folks are just the sort of people who are taking advantage of the miraculous evidence-concealer called abortion.

Do you know who your friends and neighbors are? Type in your address. The little house icon is your home. Click on the surrounding colored boxes to take a gander at your area's sex offenders.

:: ashli 7:42 PM # ::
:: Saturday, February 04, 2006 ::
Read it once then read it twice then read it once again.

This is artificial nutrition and hydration:

This is ALTERNATIVE nutrition and hydration:

(Me "slurping down" my >$1,000/day steak and lobster dinner.)

Close up of my first feeding tube (4 in all):

At this point you might be saying to yourself:
"Extraordinary measures? Why that there jess looks like one o' them thar glorified IV's!"
To which I say, "Bingo."

This is a vegetable:

This is a little girl who needs finally to be loved:

Some excellent commentary.
Avrette speaks in this interesting video.
I can't help but feel somewhat concerned for the two children still with Avrett.

:: ashli 11:26 AM # ::
:: Thursday, February 02, 2006 ::
OK, so I cried.
You rock the freakin Casbah, Jules!

:: ashli 5:07 PM # ::
Aw, that last post was kind of depressing. What to do about it? What - to- do???

Hey, I know! Let's all laugh at the horror of abortion!

:: ashli 2:12 PM # ::

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