:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 ::

Remember this?

"Dear sir or maam:

I am not involved in decisions concerning advertising content. Your message has been passed on to our advertising department and corporate offices. They have issued the following release:

After re-examining the ads that were submitted by Will County Right ToLife, The Herald News has decided that the ads will be allowed to runshould this group decide to do so. For the record, the originaldecision to not run them was mine and at no point did I state that theads were "too graphic". If that was stated by a representative of thisnewspaper, it was done so in error.I e-mailed Jill Stanek Sunday afternoon and left a message with thelocal contact before 9:00am this morning requesting that they contactme. The purpose of this contact was to inform them of my decision.
Steve Vanisko
Advertising DirectorThe Herald News

Hopefully this will resolve any concerns you have on this issue.
Bill Wimbiscus
Managing Editor
The Herald News"

:: ashli 8:01 AM # ::

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