:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Thursday, October 27, 2005 ::

Remember LDI?

"A Planned Parenthood watchdog group says an article written by a top Planned Parenthood executive has the national abortion business admitting that it is engaging in 'social marketing' of abortion and sex.

Douglas Scott, president of Life Decisions International (LDI), points to an article titled 'Social Marketing for Sexual Health,' written by Michael McGee, vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America's (PPFA) education and social marketing group.
'We have 'sold' the public on the notion that individuals have the right to decide when and whether they want to have children,' McGee admits. 'Even before the term was coined, we were doing social marketing.'

'Changing the world to reflect our vision takes courage, intelligent use of resources, and enormous commitment,' McGee writes about Planned Parenthood's abortion promotion strategy.

'One exciting strategy we are beginning to use is social marketing for sexual health,' McGee says. McGee said PPFA's goals are 'audacious--as they have been throughout the history of Planned Parenthood.'

Responding to the article, Scott says Planned Parenthood's 'hierarchy admits that it sold abortion to the public just like Bill Gates sold computers.'

'What was once almost universally recognized as bad, Planned Parenthood has turned into a product and convinced people it is good,' Scott explained. 'And not only is the product good, it is essential. PPFA's success has made the group one of the wealthiest so-called nonprofits in the world.'

In his article, McGee also admits to using teenagers (called 'peer educators') to advance Planned Parenthood's pro-abortion agenda, saying they're more effective in convincing other teens than adults at the abortion business.

Peer educators 'are an ideal constituency to engage in our social marketing effort,' McGee declared. 'Activist teens can create a buzz about the campaign by a variety of means--regardless of whether the activities are branded or identified as Planned Parenthood.'
Scott urges pro-life advocates to get involved to counter this tactic.

'We can sit by and let the Planned Parenthood philosophy flood our society or we can help repair the damage already done. Not only should we choose to repair the damage, we need to strengthen society so it can resist Planned Parenthood,' Scott concludes."

:: ashli 4:36 PM # ::
"Okay, it's pop quiz time."

:: ashli 4:30 PM # ::
:: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 ::
Speaking on behalf of her peers.

Gianna Jessen's story.

Yes, we are really doing this in America. Still.

:: ashli 2:30 PM # ::
I would like to take a brief moment to thank the three compassionate friends who have thusfar responded to this blog's plea for the woman I personally know who is in a crisis pregnancy. One of these dear people made a pledge of $30/month (for the next 7 months), and she is a "starving" college student!

This stuff just moves me like nobody's business.

I am so honored to have the privilege of being read by you good people. I did nothing, nothing, nothing to deserve the pleasure of your acquaintance, and I am so grateful for you.


:: ashli 1:49 PM # ::
:: Sunday, October 23, 2005 ::
Currently I know a woman in a crisis pregnancy. There is a definite financial aspect to the situation. She is an at-risk mom with prior abortion experience who wants to place her baby with a particular Christian family, but their humble funds are not enough to cover necessary expenses.

I will say more later, when I am at liberty to do so.

A couple of people have already pledged monthly donations for the next 7 months. (Thank you profusely.) Are any of you interested in preventing the trauma and tragedy of abortion for this woman and child? Are any interested in contributing financially to adoption? Two birds with one stone, baby. Be the Hands and Feet.

Please share this with any and all, and email me directly with responses/pledges. Finances do not go directly to the bmom but to the creditors (mortgage company, etc.).

:: ashli 7:00 PM # ::
:: Saturday, October 22, 2005 ::
He's living in lala land but his kid is living in America.

"'I think they're sending the message that if you or any member of your family screws up, you can kiss your parental rights goodbye,' said American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Mary Catherine Roper..."

If raping and sodomizing children is "screwing up", then I think that's a pretty good message, ACLU.

And it's about frickin time.

:: ashli 1:20 PM # ::
:: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 ::

:: ashli 2:50 AM # ::
:: Sunday, October 16, 2005 ::
Please pray like you've never prayed before for my precious friend and her equally precious little baby.

:: ashli 12:52 AM # ::
:: Friday, October 14, 2005 ::
I was looking for a new vacuum cleaner on eBay today when I stumbled across this auction. Notice the pad that the vacuum is sitting on. Flashback city. I can't tell you how it makes me feel. I can't look at it.

And don't think the fact that this is an auction for a vacuum is lost on me. Can I just die already? For Pete's sake.

I killed my child. I was sick, it was legal, but I didn't get away with it.

And I'll never get away from it.

Life in the Cell...

:: ashli 12:11 PM # ::
:: Thursday, October 13, 2005 ::
"Who You'd Be Today" touches a nerve with "abortion-sensitized" women (my term for the personally hated "post abortive"). Click here to see the video.

(I recommend following the above link and clicking on the link there to hear the song before seeing the video. Feel the words and then see how they chose to represent them.)

HT: You know who you are! :-)

Keep sending your thoughts, videos, songs, poems, movies, T.V. shows, dreams, experiences, etc. my way. I'm sorta out of the loop these days and I need you guys to keep the momentum going while I'm "away".

:: ashli 10:01 AM # ::
:: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 ::
Want breast cancer? Choosing abortion is a great way to start the tumors rolling.

:: ashli 3:22 PM # ::
:: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 ::
One paper with a twist of media, please.

Ashli: Abortion is great if it doesn't kill a child. If it doesn't kill a child, abortion is a good, ethical problem solver.

Media headline:

"Ashli says abortion is great and claims "Abortion is a good, ethical problem solver."

:: ashli 1:12 PM # ::
:: Monday, October 10, 2005 ::
What do you do
When being born
And dying
Are the same thing?


:: ashli 5:05 PM # ::
To borrow heavily from Frederick Douglass:

"Must I argue the wrongfulness of abortion? Is that a question for any political party? Is it to be settled by the rules of logic and argumentation, as a matter beset with great difficulty, involving a doubtful application of the principle of justice, hard to be understood? How should I look to-day, in the presence of Amercans, dividing, and subdividing a discourse, to show that men have a natural right to life and freedom? Speaking of it relatively and positively, negatively and affirmatively. To do so, would be to make myself ridiculous, and to offer an insult to your understanding. There is not a man beneath the canopy of heaven that does not know that being injected or otherwise imbued with poison or having his head torn off or having his brain sucked out at the point of birth is wrong for him."

Red text is mine, and I can really relate to Douglass' frustration. For a decade I have been trying to explain to the "blob of tissue" crowd that biologically speaking (fact v. opinion), the gestating person is both human and alive.

The fact that a gestating human is human has been genetically established. And as to life, s/he consumes oxygen and metabolizes nutrients in order to grow. I don't know how to explain it in simpler terms, and trying to find them borders on ridiculous. I guess I'll have to leave the patois to the experts, as the following is something that even an abortion-supporting Harvard grad can understand:

:: ashli 8:42 AM # ::
You can be an evangelical and you can be self-described pro-life," Gary Bauer, president of the American Values Coalition, said of Miers. "But it doesn't tell us what she will do about a decision like Roe that has been set in stone now for over 30 years. And that's the rub."

Roe is no more set in stone than the Dred Scott decision was set in stone. Bad law was meant to be changed.

If America (not Planned Parenthood, but actual America) ever decides that mutillating and killing women and children is uncool then the law should reflect that no matter how long civil rights have been legally trampled on.

(I wonder why abortion supporters weren't singing the same "set in stone" tune when laws protecting people from abortion were the general standard for over a hundred years in this country. Hmm...)

:: ashli 8:29 AM # ::
:: Friday, October 07, 2005 ::
More on American Girls...
(You go, Soccer Mom!)

:: ashli 11:39 AM # ::
:: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 ::
Eating black licorice, aborting black babies... who cares?

:: ashli 12:47 PM # ::
I could only watch a fraction of this absolutely appalling picture of the unraveling of the culture of America's youth. Aside from parents who seem to have been duped out of their roles by the lies of modern liberalism, "parentless" children were jumping in and out of the sack like bunnies. It was painful to watch.

Too much freedom, too much unearned liberty can turn into a flipping fetter.

Of course the good folks at Discovery Health interviewed the "experts" at Planned Parenthood. When one young girl expressed her genuine committment to abstinence, her Planned Parenthood counselor was very skeptical stating, in an "oh, the poor, silly girl" tone, that it was probably not a very realistic notion. She seemed genuinely disappointed in the girl's intent to abstain from having childhood sex.

What is interesting is that the PP employee didn't seem to trust the teen's private choice to abstain, citing that the youngster was probably being "unrealistic". And yet, were that same teen to go to PP with a choice to abort, that would never, ever be questioned, because juveniles always know what is best for them, especially in a flipping crisis, riiiiiiight?

One thing I do know... PP doesn't really make a ton of money off of a kid who doesn't need birth control pills, doesn't have an STD to treat, and doesn't have a baby for them to abort. Where the almighty dollar is concerned, no bar-raising is allowed.

It's certainly not all PP's fault. They wouldn't do business at all if parents weren't providing them with "patients". We had better flipping straigten up and start raising our kids instead of giving them the "freedom" to raise themselves.

:: ashli 11:58 AM # ::
:: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 ::
Awww, isn't the American Girl product line so fabulous and good for our little girls!

Think again.

Take the pledge:
"If I can't control my sexual urges I CAN always abort any resulting child, because I am an American Girl!"

Woohoo! The red, white and blue!!!

(The red blood that flows...
The white innocence sullied...
The blues that lingers...)

What was that that I once said about post-Roe girls nursing at Roe's teat? I'm not making this stuff up. Take a gander at post #31.

Take a good look at me, people;
I am a flipping American girl.
If this is what it is,
you don't want to be one.


:: ashli 12:33 PM # ::
:: Monday, October 03, 2005 ::
"We demand..."
"We cannot allow..."
"We expect..."

Hello, this is America not flipping Burger King. Sometimes you just don't get it your way. (You might wanna make a note of that, R. B. Ginsburg.)

"We believe that everyone has the right to choose when or whether to have a child, and that every child should be wanted and loved."

Hey, great! This is something we have in common. I believe everyone has the right to choose when or whether to have a child. Rock on! But I'll tell you what I DON'T believe... I don't believe we have the right to kill children who are alive and growing. I don't believe we have the right to discriminate against people based on what they look like, how smart they are, how old they are, where they live or their abilities in general. Nope, I don't flipping believe in killing people based on those things.

Also, along with Planned Parenthood, I believe that every child should be wanted and loved. Isn't it great! Where we diverge is that I know that every child IS wanted and loved by someone. Every child. Yes, this includes the Down Syndrome babies, the Treacher Collins babies, the A.I.D.S. babies, the biracial babies, the minority babies, the limbless and deformed and retarded babies... and even the older children... (although abortion doesn't directly relate to the 8-year-old, since it's still, as of today anyway, illegal to kill an inconvenient, "unwanted", 8-year-old.)

Golly goodness, Planned Parenthood, you sound so nice and sane, but we're all in need of Paul Harvey's services where your philosophical soundbites are concerned.

Until you get a little honesty, I guess we juss gon' have to keep tellin' it for you!


:: ashli 5:17 PM # ::

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