:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Friday, May 28, 2004 ::

My SIL came for a visit from out of town the other day. This is the SIL who aborted two of her children in college and told me through tears and tears that she has found "peace" with her decision to abort them. She also claims, through the same tears, that she doesn't regret aborting them. She says she is "pro-choice" but after seeing "pickled punks" (actual preserved fetuses of various ages) at a prestigious science museum, she talks like a "pro-lifer". She comes across as somewhat unsettled, somewhat confused on the subject.


She was playing with her nephew, my son, on the trampoline before lunch. During a lovely organic fruit salad she talked of a game she taught him called "Crack the Egg".

"Never heard of it," I said.

She told me that one person curls into a fetal position, with their arms around their bent legs, and lays in the middle of the trampoline, while the other participants jump around the prone person as they try to "break up" the prone person's fetal position. If the "egg's" arms come away from his/her legs, the "egg is broken" and the game is over.

At the telling, my eyes grew as wide as... well... eggs.

"Uhhhhhhhhh..." I said, "I don't think that's a game we'll be playing often here at 'pro-life Mary's' house."

"D'oh!" was kind of her reaction.
"I didn't mean to say 'fetal' position," she apologized.

Apparently, God love her, she still doesn't have a clue. It's not the terminology that disturbs me, but the whole concept of children being taught to play a game that calls a pretend fetus an "egg" and puts them in the position of trying to break it. Leave it to the one big thumper (abortion advocate) in the family to come over here once out of a year and start teaching my children how to "break the egg". Did Planned Parenthood come up with this game somewhere in the hideous, stinking bowels of its massive abortion machine?

The more I contemplate it, the more horrified I become. No, my kids will NEVER spend alone time with "Aint" So and So in Atlanta. I do not want to set her up as being the "Aint" they go to with secrets that have the potential for eventually effectuating certain clandestine... "procedures".

It starts now, the guarding of the children. Death is paused on decayed haunches waiting, waiting for the right moment to spring its lies on the little ones it did not win.

My bmother aborted one of my siblings. My bfather was involved in the abortion of another. I aborted one of my childrens' siblings.

Let the legacy end with me.

No more pink and blue confections for the hungry mouth of death.
No more.

:: ashli 10:32 AM # ::
:: Thursday, May 27, 2004 ::
Hey, gang! This one wins my emetic site of the week award:

Coalition for Positive Sexuality

In addition to a comprehensive and easy to read chart on state by state parental consent laws, you can learn more about how to evade your state laws (and how to embrace homosexuality, bisexuality, etc.).

You'll hear such standard favorites as:

"Any reason we have for choosing abortion is a good reason."

"Abortion has few risks."

And as an added bonus, they even include the always rockin':

"Don't swallow poison," which, of course, is chased by a slew of information on how to obtain RU486. Makes perfect sense!

The CPS... it slices, dices and juliennes any hopes you may have had for humanity!

Planned Parenthood would be proud!

So gather the whole family 'round the 'puter and have your emesis basins at the ready! For more lies and morally devoid filth than you can shake a barfbag at, visit the CPS today! You'll be sad you did!

:: ashli 12:01 PM # ::
More on (or MORON) the FDA's crackdown on ultrasound. Meanwhile the FDA has nothing to say about the ABC link, and there's tons more info pointing to that.

Can someone please explain this to me?

:: ashli 11:54 AM # ::
:: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 ::
I heard on the radio the other day that California is trying to legislate parental consent for minors who want to use tanning beds, due to the increased rates of skin cancer at younger ages in the state.

HI-EVUH, no parental consent necessary for abortion! Skin cancer-bad... dying of abortion complications (or being emotionally devastated for eons)-no prob!

Welcome to bizzarro world!

:: ashli 10:28 PM # ::
:: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 ::
From a friend who "sidewalk counsels":

"I think the saddest case today was a 20 something girl, with Mom and Grandmom in tow. The latter two, we think, were along for the show and weren't the least dismayed with the blonde's decision to kill their helpless little family member. Actually they were giggly. Then "dad" showed up. He told us he didn't want this baby killed... but of course, it didn't make any difference. He has no rights at all regarding his own child, the child he helped to make. The girly trio were going to get rid of this kid no matter, and we guess they did, right over poor Dad's objections... I can't imagine how he must have felt standing there as his child was being killed inside. The signs the others were holding actually drew the Dad over to chat, and that's how we found out the story. I don't use signs but when they are all stacked outside an abortuary, the have a profound effect."

Another excerpt from the other day:

"Pathetic to see a mom in her jammies in active labor coming to deliver her dead third baby...I apologized for not being there to talk to her yesterday before she had the little one killed. She said she had to do this. Dad came over for post abortion stuff I had. They put out their cigarettes and said thanks and went in to 502 S. Magnolia to await the "stillbirth" of their third child.

They say it's about choice, but that child will never get to choose... Who asked him/her this morning if he/she wanted to die yesterday???

At least ten others died. Four that were over 20 weeks...It gets harder and harder."

Pendergraft did take Mother's day off. I for one am thoroughly surprised. He certainly doesn't take Sunday's off. He goes to church and then goes to "work".

:: ashli 6:02 PM # ::
:: Sunday, May 16, 2004 ::
I just had a baby. Most of you know this, but some do not. It was a long haul and if you are interested, the HG diary of the pregnancy can be found in my links section. I posted her picture a few days ago. I purposely tried not to make an issue of the pregnancy over here, because I know that some who read are suffering from the SICLE and reading accounts of the pregnancy process is not always "safe". I didn't want to exacerbate things here. But the pregnancy is over (thank God in heaven) and my daughter, my last child, is born.

Since her birth I have been experiencing a resurgence of unusually disturbing abortion-related PTSD symptoms. Having a nightmare that my first child, in his late term fetal stage, is rigid and mottled in a trashcan outside. I am constantly lifting the lid on his death and my guilt and desperately trying to hide from my husband the fact that our son is in the trash. In reality, I have never hidden it from anyone really. Maybe I'm still hiding something from myself. Obviously. How else would I still be walking around upright?


Number four sometimes curls into a fetal position. Especially if she has gas or is trying to squirt out a big mustard poop. She gets rigid and the color in her face changes. I find it disturbing although I know that it is a beautiful thing. I resent the fact that my country did not acknowledge my child as such in the womb, and I almost want to hide the fact that she ever was there, because I hate the idea that anyone would think at any time in her life that she was not a living human being. I weep for this attitude. I weep for the children, just like her, who will die today. I think of little Mary. She looks an awful lot like my dove. I weep. What else can I do?

My daughter's umbilical stump hasn't fallen off yet. I look at my own navel and am reminded that I was once a fetus too. The navel... we all have one... a serious scar. What could be the point of it if not to remind us of where we all have been... and that we have no excuse for what we are doing to others who are there now. Our navels... obviously more of us should spend time contemplating them.

Mary was aborted late term at the same abortion business where I lost my child... by the same man: James Scott Pendergraft. Her daddy didn't want her to be aborted, but her mommy had all the "rights". Mommy just up and said she didn't want to have little Mary at around 23 weeks. No reason why. Just didn't want to carry her anymore or raise her. Daddy went along to be "supportive". He got the nurse to allow him to snap a picture of his aborted daughter. Later he turned this picture over to my friend who "sidewalk counsels" at the abortion mill where Mary (and my first child) died. He told her to use Mary's picture that her life would stand for something and her death would not be in vain.)

:: ashli 12:24 PM # ::
:: Friday, May 14, 2004 ::
Hey, if it's true, LET'S ALL JOIN CURVES TODAY!

:: ashli 3:59 PM # ::
:: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 ::
I'm taking some time off of the SICLE Cell.
I don't know when I will return.

:: ashli 11:36 AM # ::
:: Monday, May 10, 2004 ::

Picture of a little girl who, for a brief period of time, was in danger of being aborted due to her mother's severe, debilitating, prolonged pregnancy-related disease.

Women need care, not despair. And children need the lives that they have been given.

:: ashli 9:39 PM # ::
:: Thursday, May 06, 2004 ::
When I miscarried it SUCKED... but it was fluffy pink bunny cake compared to losing my first child in a second trimester abortion. One child was destined to be mine while the other child was not. One child was mortally wounded (by me) while the other just quietly faded into oblivion. Guilt in one, not much, if any, in the other. Lots of different reasons abortion can hurt so much more than miscarriage.

:: ashli 7:28 AM # ::
:: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 ::
Plutarch on Sertorius:

"You see, fellow soldiers, that perseverence is more prevailing than violence, and that many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little. Assiduity and persistence are irresistible, and in time overthrow and destroy the greatest powers whatever, time being the favorable friend and assistant of those who use their judgment to await his occasions, and the destructive enemy of those who are unreasonably urging and pressing forward."

Man, this is good advice, and totally, totally relevant to the abortion issue.

A lot of mothers, myself included (and perhaps at the top of the list) have let fear overwhelm them and rob them of tremendous opportunity. We have let that fear push and push us unto unreasonable urging ourselves, and we have pressed the issue so forwardly as to destroy the beauty, the greatness that would have been ours had we allowed time to ameliorate conflicts, had we but taken the challenge daily instead of all in one lump sum.

Oh that we would, as Sir Henry Wadsworth Longfellow suggested, "learn to labor and to wait."

:: ashli 10:09 AM # ::
Abortion Turns Miracle Into Tragedy
(as usual...)

Thanks to the poster at AA for this link.

:: ashli 8:28 AM # ::
:: Monday, May 03, 2004 ::
As a currently pregnant person, I really REALLY resent like heck the "pro-choice" garbage about "tissue" and "cells" and the beginning of life being a "religious issue". My gestating daughter already has a personality, likes and dislikes. We know she's a sucker for Daddy's voice, hates the hiccups, has less patience than her brother, loves jazz but favors Christian music, etc. I hate the irrational and false idea that she's only a person because I want her to be and have therefore deluded myself into thinking that she is valuable and human. I really, really despise that.

And I hate that these people still claim that my first child was a nothing and that I am grieving over no one... and if I would only think long, hard and carefully about the "very good reasons" I had at the time everything will be all right.

I'm hurt, fuming, incredulous...

:: ashli 8:35 AM # ::
It's my birthday today, and I have to say that I haven't felt quite right about it since the day I robbed my first child of his/her birthday.

I understand what happened and why. It was tragic... in some ways like a careless accident. It was not "me", not who I am, not what I wanted, etc. I am sorry, have been sorry, will never stop being sorry. I believe in God, and I believe I have been forgiven. I don't feel that I have a duty to suffer or that my suffering is in any way redemptive. I understand that "coming to terms" with what happened and "moving on" would serve myself and my family much more positively and efficiently than being unable to resolve it. I am thoughtful; I've had a little over seven years to contemplate it so far. I am fully aware, yet this awareness doesn't make it any less horrible or any more bearable.

Someone very special is missing from my life. Missing from my arms, by my hands. It is what it is.

And birthdays aren't at all what they used to be.

:: ashli 3:00 AM # ::
:: Saturday, May 01, 2004 ::
Smattering of "pro-life" news:

The Abortion Shuffle
John Kerry in 1972:
"It's a tragic day in the lives of everybody when abortion is
looked on as an alternative to birth control or as an alternative to having a child. I think that's wrong. It should be the very last thing if it has to be anything, and I say that not just because I'm opposed to abortion but because I think that's common sense."

How can you prove that PBA is never medically necessary if you can't provide the evidence?

An abortion business owner, who was forced to give up his medical license in Pennsylvania because of his questionable medical practices, allowed an abortionist, who has been disciplined multiple times for unsafe practices and has been sued for malpractice (outstanding $50,000 medical malpractice suit against him because of pain and profuse bleeding suffered by a woman he aborted), to perform abortions without a medical license. A spokeswoman for the abortion businessis tried to defuse attention away from the abortion center's troubles by attacking pro-life activists in Pennsylvania.

She claimed that the abortion businesses had "been victim to a lot of gossip, a lot of inaccuracies and misinformation," and added, "We provide excellent care."

(The abortion chain has a history of hiring staff with questionable credentials.)

A few days later she ate those words when she admitted, "As soon as we confirmed that Dr. Brookman's license was not active, Dr. Brookman was terminated and is no longer working in any of our offices." Looks like the only misinformed people were the spokeswoman and her abortion cronies. D'oh!

"Pro-choicers" who attended the march don't represent majority of Americans.

Most Hispanics are "pro-life" and were misrepresented in the march by key Hispanic groups.

In a very recent Zogby poll, Hispanics support a pro-life position by a 78-21 percent margin, and African Americans back the pro-life perspective 62-38. In the same poll, 60 percent of 18-29 year-olds took one of three varying pro-life positions on abortion while only 39 percent agreed with the three pro-abortion stances.

"The other side is completely befuddled by the 'ingratitude' of
our generation for the 'right' to abortion," a pro-life woman born after Roe v. Wade concludes. "Yet, young people recognize that harm has been done to each of us as a result of losing 43 million peers. And by seeing family and friends that have suffered following their own abortions, we know that abortion hurts women."

While abortion advocates claim that some "1,150,000 Marched on Washington, D.C. to Voice Opposition to Government Attacks on Women's Reproductive Rights and Health", D.C. police estimated that 250,000 people participated in the pro-abortion march (and many were "pro-life" counterdemonstrators). D'oh!

In describing the pro-abortion march, a member of the Family Research Council said organizers couldn't find enough people who supported abortion to attend. As a result anti-Bush, anti-war, and anti-globalization protesters were invited to swell the ranks.

"If there was such an outcry from American women to further the abortion-on-demand agenda, the groups marching today would not have had to open their rally to anti-war, anti-Bush and all sorts of other protesters just to fill the national mall."

Bush advisor comments on march numbers saying September 11th has caused many Americans to value life more. Projecting the statement on "pro-choicers", Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt demands apology, saying:

"It is outrageous to suggest that those of us who challenge this administration's attacks on reproductive rights and access do not value life and human dignity. Indeed, it is because we value life and human dignity that we support..." maiming and killing women and children in "safe", legal abortion.

"Pro-life" students choked and bled by "pro-choice" NARAL members at Kerry rally.

"I have never been manhandled like that before -- pushed around, shoved and tossed -- it was ridiculous," Edmiston said. "I really felt violated, they had no right to touch me like that. So much for 'my body, my choice.'"

One NARAL member told Suanne that her mother should have aborted her. (The basic message: "You're an inconvenience to me; you should have been killed before birth.") Nice.

An abortion advocate in attendance started snapping pictures when another abortion advocate pushed him, put her hands in his face trying to block him, and shouted, "You can't take pictures of that!"

What?! An abortion advocate trying to hurt someone and then keep it a secret? Isn't THAT interesting?

Police did nothing to prevent the illegal abuse and were amused by it, later seen chuckling about it.

Another photographer was hit over the head with a pro-abortion sign until bleeding to prevent him from recording photographic evidence of the assault.

As Abortion Advocates March, Woman's Abortion-related Suicide Reveals Horror of Abortion...

"Shelly took some of each drug and washed it down
with the vodka.

She went into her bedroom. Above her bed was a photo of the Lord's heavenly banquet. On the side of her bed were two angels. Shelly put her rosary around her neck. An empty bottle of holy water was on her dresser. She opened her journal to the day of her abortion. She laid her head on her pillow. She fell asleep. She never woke up."

:: ashli 11:06 AM # ::
More on the "pro-lifers" assaulted by "pro-choicers" at the march...

From an outraged reader:

"Remember the article the AP put out about the "March for Women's Lives" in DC last weekend? They mentioned an incident where they claimed an "anti-abortion activist" threw an ink filled plastic egg at a pro-choice sign. Well, they got it wrong. It was a pro-choice activist, and they threw the egg, not at a sign, but at a pro-life activist, hitting him in the temple. Here's a link to the pictures.



(By the way, the website is that of a "pro-choice" activist who was there at the event. I don't know how long she'll keep the photos up, considering how damaging they are to her agenda.)

Here are some of her photos (pre-egging) proving this was, indeed, a pro-life activist hit with the egg. Not the other way around.

standing in the gap

pro-life sign

(If you view all the photos this woman took, you can also see this man and the pro-life woman who is comforting him, in some of the photos before the incident took place)

By the way, several pro-abortion organizations talked about throwing paint on pro-life activists before the march. I'd say that shows pre-meditation. Here's a copy of their quotes before the march. (the original is on WorldNetDaily.com):

'Pro-lifers expect confrontation at NOW march
Abortion advocates vow to strike back during massive D.C. event'
Posted: April 22, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

A group advocating abortion has threatened destructive and
confrontational tactics against pro-life counter-protestors during the upcoming pro-abortion "March for Women's Lives" rally in Washington D.C.

In an alert sent to supporters, the Radical Cheerleaders of DC said engaging abortion opponents in debate is useless "because they are irrational and will not listen to you," so one way to handle them is to destroy their property, because "a thick layer of paint could really complement a bloody fetus picture," according to the Washington-based Culture of Life Foundation .

The event Sunday is described by the National Organization for Women, or NOW, as the "the most significant and massive abortion rights march in over a decade."

The organizers expect hundreds of thousands of participants from about 1,400 organizations and 53 countries.

The Culture of Life Foundation says abortion advocates are angered by the plans of pro-life demonstrators to congregate along the march route and gather in groupings such as parents with small children and infants, women who have had abortions, college students, pro-abortion converts
and clergy.

NOW says on its website the First Amendment grants pro-lifers "the right to hold a counter-protest, but it does not grant them the right to interfere with our demonstration."

The Radical Cheerleaders said it calls upon "feminists, radical
cheerleaders, anti-authoritarians, [and] anarchists" to "rise up against a tyrannical government which threatens to penetrate women's bodies with its laws."

The group, which claims the pro-choice movement has not done enough for women, held a "guerilla workshop" in January to practice organized resistance for the march, Culture of Life Foundation said.

Sponsors of the march have invited anti-globalization groups, who already will be in Washington to protest the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Randall Terry, founder of the pro-life group Operation Rescue, has said he will participate in counter-demonstration to the march, dubbed "Operation Witness."

"The pro-abortion movement is frantic at their losses," he said in a statement. "They know we will prevail and make abortion illegal again and their pathetic death march will do nothing to stop our inevitable victory."

Operation Witness says it expects over 1,000 counter-demonstrators.

A spinoff of Operation Rescue, Operation Rescue West, says it "will expose the bloody truth" behind the "deceptive" march with "Truth Trucks" outfitted with graphic signs depicting the remains of aborted children.

The group says some pro-abortion advocates have vowed to vandalize trucks, which will be on the streets of the nation's capital for three days prior to the march.

"Since half of the 1.2 million babies aborted in our nation each year are female, the 'March for Women's Lives' is a sick joke, grossly misnamed," said Operation Rescue West's president, Troy Newman. "The Truth Trucks will confront this hypocrisy with the grisly truth that cannot be ignored: Abortion isn't about helping women; it is about dismembering healthy human babies."

:: ashli 10:38 AM # ::

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