:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 ::

Just plain weird.

:: ashli 10:39 AM # ::
:: Thursday, March 23, 2006 ::
Human rights abuses in Korea akin to WWII atrocities. The horror, THE HORROR!

:: ashli 3:14 PM # ::
:: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 ::
Anti-choice pro-"choicers".

:: ashli 9:16 AM # ::
:: Sunday, March 12, 2006 ::
I used to do this monologue for try-outs in theatre. It always knocked 'em dead. Yessir, got many a part with this little gem. Only, I didn't know what I was talking about. Now that I've been "Dusted and Cleaned" it's an entirely different subject, isn't it.

The Summer They Stopped Making Ludes
or How Taking Peyote Turned Me Into A Coyote
by Steven Tanenbaum

Poolside, suburbia - 1970's - Eve (17-20)

When Monique and Eve share memories of their adolescent sexual exploits, Eve reveals that she was pregnant when she was 13.

Eve: I never told anybody. I was only htirteen. Yeah, I'm thirteen years old and I've got to visit the gynecologist so some fat, bald guy can stick his pudgy fingers inside me. The guy fits me for an IUD so I won't ever have to worry again. Right. Next thing I know, I'm in the hospital for a D and C. I'm thirteen years old so what the hell do I know from those kind of things. Like what's a D and C - "Dusting and Cleaning." Yea, "Dusting and Cleaning," I recommend that every woman have her uterine walls scrubbed clean with a scouring pad. Okay, so they put me on the pill whch was great until I became so bloated I started to resemble Marlon Brando in the Godfather - mustache included. So they take me off the pill and give me a diaphragm. A device that was invented to take all spontaneity out of sex. I never know when's the right time to put it in. I mean, half the time I put it in and nothing happens. And it's not till the next day, when I'm talking to someone about the weather that I remember I've still got Mickey Mouse's trampoline stuck up my crotch. Lately, I've dispensed with all the modern forms of contraception. You see, I've developed my own method of birth control: Move to Colorado. I know that all I have to do is get out of here and everything will be all right.

:: ashli 11:07 AM # ::
Some poetry I found in the attic:

When they told me
I was blessed
that the love of two
had become one
I only expected
stretched flesh
bigger clothes...
no the clots that pass
you are gone.

My head is filled
with due dates
and pictures of you.
How could I love you
this much
and end your life?
You were part me
part him...
lump in my stomach
to wonder by.
How soon I gave up.
How ready I was
to throw in the towel.
How empty I am.
How pregnant
with infinite sadness.

Sitting on the edge of the table
sittin on the edge of life
the biggest decision ever made
the biggest mistake
sometimes when we are poised that way
with destiny looming
waiting for answers
there is nothing to say
only papers to sign
and white jars waiting
filling up before my eyes
with the life inside.

My bdad planted a seed
might be what I need.
I thought
"What a bastard!"
but the vomit
twisted his image
he became
sainted hero
a solution to my agony
advice I took
before I knew
what agony was.

when it matters not
I can shovel it in.
I get thirsty
when there's no one
to tend.
With nothing doing,
growing inside
I'm eaten alive.

:: ashli 11:00 AM # ::
:: Friday, March 10, 2006 ::
What's best for business...

WalMart responds to my boycott letter re: their new policy of "Plan B" distribution:

"Thank you for your message.Until recently, Wal-Mart and SAM'S CLUB pharmacies sold emergency contraception only in Illinois, where state law required us to do so. In February, a ruling by the state Board of Pharmacy required all of our pharmacies in Massachusetts to stock and dispense the product. Pressure to introduce similar requirements is building in Connecticut and New York, and we expect other states to follow suit.

In light of these developments, all Wal-Mart and SAM'S CLUB pharmacies will immediately begin carrying Plan B emergency contraception. By Monday, March 20, all of our pharmacies should have received an initial stock.

The company is maintaining its conscientious objection policy, which is consistent with the tenets of the American Pharmaceutical Association. This policy, except where prohibited by law, allows any Wal-Mart or SAM'S CLUB pharmacy Associate who does not feel comfortable dispensing a prescription for certain medications [those which are not considered core to the practice of pharmacy], including Plan B emergency contraception, to refer customers to another pharmacist or pharmacy as spelled out in our policy. We do require that these Associates fulfill their obligation to help customers by referring them to another pharmacy that stocks the product.

These decisions have been made after very careful consideration. We believe that we are doing what is best for the business, while respecting our individual associates.

Thank you,
Customer Relations"

Abortion supporters everywhere applaud WalMart's decision, and Target gets my business from now on.

:: ashli 2:41 PM # ::
:: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 ::
''Silence and secrecy has been the most frustrating component of this case," Wendy Murphy, Avrett's mother, told the Globe. ''It just seems inhumane that information about this child can be forbidden on the theory that it's somehow protecting her privacy, when you consider that this child almost died under the state's care."

This statement kind of torques me off, because Haleigh's biological mother advocated KILLING Haleigh when obviously, there was a chance that the little girl could get better. Who knows? Better may not be "good enough" for Avrett. This is what worries me about giving her any say.

I don't have a problem with the information. Tell Avrett everything about her daughter's condition. Increase visitation. Let her stay day and night and engage in healthy devotion. Haleigh seems to value her company.

Do as much as possible to help this misguided mom and this precious child to heal as much of their tragically broken relationship as they can... but don't put life and death in the hands of Avrett. Don't give her that kind of control. She has already proved she is not worthy of it.

:: ashli 10:39 AM # ::
Oh come on. Is anyone really surprised? The whole gist of the abortion movement is "If a person poses a problem... get rid of them."

:: ashli 10:30 AM # ::
The boycott is on.

I wrote and told them I am shopping at Target until they ameliorate the situation.

:: ashli 10:27 AM # ::
:: Friday, March 03, 2006 ::
What the?

:: ashli 9:51 AM # ::
:: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 ::
"Allison is frustrated," Murphy said, according to the Globe report. "She wants to do what is best for Haleigh."

This is a scary comment coming from someone who has said that what is best is for Haleigh to be dead. It would be more than difficult for a mother to deal with the tremendous amount of guilt that comes with having a daughter who has been tortured for basically her whole 12 years on this earth. It might be easier in fact for a mother just to chuck it all by applying for the "clean slate" of envisioning her tragically abused child as a radiant spirit floating around in God's heavenly playground. If Haleigh is allowed to live and recover enough to understand what happened to her in her youth and communicate her perceptions and feelings about that as an adult, her mother stands to go through some additional emotional turbulence.

This is assuming that in spite of the changes with Haleigh, there has been no change with her mother. Personally, I pray that both of them will be rehabilitated, and I wish that they could be reunited. Yes, I said that. But on the condition that Mom has been rehabilitated, which may not ever happen. In a perfect world...

I'm elated to learn that Haleigh is receiving physical, speech and occupational therapy, and I wonder if her opportunity to receive these things has anything to do with the Terri Schiavo situation. One of the huge criticisms in that case was that Terri was never afforded any type of recuperative therapy.

:: ashli 7:45 AM # ::

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