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:: Friday, March 10, 2006 ::

What's best for business...

WalMart responds to my boycott letter re: their new policy of "Plan B" distribution:

"Thank you for your message.Until recently, Wal-Mart and SAM'S CLUB pharmacies sold emergency contraception only in Illinois, where state law required us to do so. In February, a ruling by the state Board of Pharmacy required all of our pharmacies in Massachusetts to stock and dispense the product. Pressure to introduce similar requirements is building in Connecticut and New York, and we expect other states to follow suit.

In light of these developments, all Wal-Mart and SAM'S CLUB pharmacies will immediately begin carrying Plan B emergency contraception. By Monday, March 20, all of our pharmacies should have received an initial stock.

The company is maintaining its conscientious objection policy, which is consistent with the tenets of the American Pharmaceutical Association. This policy, except where prohibited by law, allows any Wal-Mart or SAM'S CLUB pharmacy Associate who does not feel comfortable dispensing a prescription for certain medications [those which are not considered core to the practice of pharmacy], including Plan B emergency contraception, to refer customers to another pharmacist or pharmacy as spelled out in our policy. We do require that these Associates fulfill their obligation to help customers by referring them to another pharmacy that stocks the product.

These decisions have been made after very careful consideration. We believe that we are doing what is best for the business, while respecting our individual associates.

Thank you,
Customer Relations"

Abortion supporters everywhere applaud WalMart's decision, and Target gets my business from now on.

:: ashli 2:41 PM # ::

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