:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 ::

In honor of this phenomenal post...
Here's me at age nine receiving my merit badge for
knowing all 9 "good reasons" for aborting a baby
(under the watchful eye of Jesus on the right):

"Gee, Mrs. Free, I was going to go home and play with
my Easy-Bake Oven, but do you think you could clue
me in on the best methods of achieving orgasm instead?"

:: ashli 5:53 PM # ::
I'll have to tell my SIL that she just moved to a state that thinks dogs are more important than women.

:: ashli 5:18 PM # ::
Happy Conception Day!

:: ashli 12:30 AM # ::
:: Monday, August 30, 2004 ::
FFL is interested in the child loss experiences of women. The deadline for story submission was, I think, today. I sent this:

"My husband and I lost our first child in a second-trimester abortion due to a severe and debilitating pregnancy-related maternal disease. I've been through a lot of bad things in my life including mental, physical and sexual abuse, poverty, the cancer-related deaths of both my parents, and the horrible disease I get when pregnant. None of it compares to losing our baby in an abortion. It was the single worst event of my life, and I wish I had not done it.

There is a component of guilt, but the most devastating factors are the suffering my child surely went through and the loss we experience. Attitudes complicate the grief. Most who support abortion do not acknowledge that we lost a child, and many who oppose abortion can only deal with the guilt issue; their focus is on forgiveness and not loss. Their goal is "healing", but my child is wounded and gone; I'll survive, but I can't "heal" from that. Well-meaning friends say we can't think of "it" as a baby. Well-meaning advocates say we aren't allowed to experience lingering despair. They expect us to "give it to Jesus" or else we are "sinning". No one wants to accept our pain or acknowledge it on our terms.

It has been eight years, and I still cry. I love and miss a child who suffered and died. It is harder than our miscarriage. Firstly, a D&E is a traumatic and unnatural death. Secondly, our miscarried child was never ours to keep, while our aborted child was most likely here to stay.

The loss has made me sad and angry and affects my relationships with others. I am not as patient, open or warm as I used to be. My days are cloaked in mourning. We wanted our child but aborted due to illness; these are the results. And no matter what anyone says or wants, I can't make it go away."

:: ashli 10:16 AM # ::
:: Sunday, August 29, 2004 ::
There have already been more protestor arrests in New York City than there were in the whole week-long DNC... and the RNC hasn't even started yet!

It would appear that many liberals lack self-control and do not respect those with differing opinions.

:: ashli 5:34 PM # ::
:: Saturday, August 28, 2004 ::
The mere thought...

:: ashli 3:44 PM # ::
Anybody want a baby? Mom is 4-months pregnant with Down Syndrome baby. She stopped to talk to a "sidewalk counselor" as she was going into an abortion clinic to abort the baby. She said she would give the "sidewalk counselor" a few days to find loving parents for her child. I think she is unaware that loving parents do want to adopt a child with Down Syndrome.

I just had a baby, so hubby said "NO!" Rats! Why can't I have ALL the babies? GIMMIE ALL THE BABIES!!!

Remember this?

:: ashli 5:39 AM # ::
:: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 ::
Rumors the GOP is thinking about going soft on important issues like abortion. Tell 'em what you think. I did:

"If you are not alive then NO issue is important. Therefore, the most important issue is preserving life first and then tackling all the other issues that are a part of life. I am a single-issue voter. Typically, the GOP swings my way on the abortion issue. This is why I am a registered Republican. I will abandon a party that does not take the life issue seriously. Women deserve better than abortion, and the GOP should continue making the preservation of human life a priority."

(When you click on the link you'll get a form. You will notice that abortion is not one of the issues on the scroll down menu on the form, so you have to select "other" if you would like to comment on this issue.)

:: ashli 8:40 AM # ::
:: Monday, August 23, 2004 ::
Man confesses murder of pregnant girlfriend after watching The Passion of Christ.

:: ashli 8:22 AM # ::
:: Saturday, August 21, 2004 ::
Let's see how badly I get flamed for sharing this sentiment at a big ol' life trump site:

"All of you were just as miraculous and important at ten weeks in the womb as you are today. From the moment your life began you've been beautiful and worthwhile, and I'm glad you're here to live, laugh, love, and endeavor!"

:: ashli 4:42 PM # ::
:: Friday, August 20, 2004 ::
Brave New World...

I sent Allen Boyd, abortion supporter extraordinaire, a letter appealing to him to vote for the proposed fetal pain law that would require abortionists to explain to a woman that gee, it kind of hurts to get killed at 20-weeks gestation and beyond.

I got this letter in response (emphasis added by a head-shaking me):

"Dear Ms. ***:
Thank you so much for your letter, I always enjoy hearing the views of the citizens of north Florida, and appreciate your time to let me know.

As you know, H.R. 4420 would require every doctor to provide specified information about the capacity of her unborn child to experience pain during the abortion, whenever a woman seeks an abortion past 20 weeks after fertilization, after which the woman must either accept or refuse (by signing a form) the administration of pain-reducing drugs directly to the unborn child. The bill would apply to all abortions past 20 weeks, regardless of the method used.
Every bill that pertains to these procedures only contributes more to the immense arguments on both sides of this issue. However, disagreement is what makes our political system the best in the world. With each side allowing an open dialogue a strong compromise can come from such a difficult issue. Please understand that this is a very controversial issue and I feel government debates should center more on how we can eliminate the need for abortion. My hope is that in the future, abortions will be safe and very rare.

Throughout my years in public service I have generally supported a woman's right to choose. I continue to believe that decisions such as these are best made by the woman in consultation with her family, her doctor, and her God. A woman should be provided the best information possible from her doctor and should base her decisions on that information. Furthermore, no child should ever have to experience pain and any information that pertains to the general welfare of the child during these procedures should be made available to the patient. Currently, this bill has been referred to the House Committee of Energy and Commerce. While I do not serve on this committee, you can be assured that when it comes to the floor for a vote I will keep your views in mind.

Thank you again for taking the time to write. If I can be of assistance sometime in the future, please feel to contact my office.
Allen Boyd Member of Congress"

A polite "shove it up your rear" from Allen Boyd.

Is it just me, or do these type of kiss-offs really bite? I mean, I'd rather the guy just write and tell me that he thinks my opinion blows, that my personal experience with abortion means squat to him, and that as long as he draws breath he will support the killing of what he refers to as children.

The other day Emily addressed this bold new abortion-supporting approach:

"Yes, abortion is manslaughter. And I'm OK with that."

Boyd says he thinks abortion should be "rare", and he fights to keep it legal. Do we generally legalize things that we find wrong enough to be rarely wanted? Rape, kidnap, physical abuse, etc.?

Boyd implies that abortion is a personal choice. Do we respect and legalize all choices merely because they are personal?

Instead of outlawing abortion, Boyd prefers to focus on eliminating the need for it. Who in their right mind would legalize drunk driving and then work to find ways to eliminate the "need" for alcohol in the mean time?

Allen implies that he believes in legalized abortion partly because he wants it to be "Safe"? To be consistent, will he work to legalize bank robbing?

Kerry conveys the same type of flotsam:

"As a Catholic I oppose abortion, but I don't have the right to impose my beliefs on others."

Lame. I'll bet he doesn't feel the same way about child molestation. Can you imagine Kerry or Boyd or any of these nefarious flimflammers claiming:

"I don't generally think child molestation is a good thing, but who am I to stop someone who believes in it and personally chooses it?"

None of them would be caught dead with that.

"Well, DUH!" Boyd would argue. "I'd never advocate child molestation, because no child should ever experience pain!"

:: ashli 3:01 PM # ::
:: Thursday, August 19, 2004 ::
Get the picture?

:: ashli 10:42 AM # ::
Abortionists involved in scams that hurt women? Gee, what's this world coming to?

:: ashli 10:38 AM # ::
A few "choice" words:

"At midnight, my ex partner knocked on the door to check if I was alright. I went to the bathroom and as I was sitting there, I just felt something slip out of me as if I had just given birth. I looked in the toilet and saw this lump that seemed to have a bone in it. So I showed it to my former partner," said Chambers.

The "lump" turned out to be the child's head, four centimeters across, with distinguishable eyes, nose, mouth, and even ears.

"We just broke down and cried at what we were seeing. We couldn't believe it," said Chambers, sobbing."

"I feel as if I'm going insane now; I can't just let this happen to me," she said.

:: ashli 10:27 AM # ::
:: Sunday, August 15, 2004 ::
Here I am again.
Working on the book.
Reliving the horror.
My own personal story.
All at once it is too much.


Quicksand I am sinking in.
I grab at anything to stay above the surface.
I fail.
Tears well but do not drop.
I swallow them.
Tonight it is not allowed.
My milk lets down instead,
and I remember the third day...
when a warm shower
produced alabaster life for a dead child.
I slipped down the drain forever and ever.
Yet here I stand,
one foot each
in yesterday and today.
The clock beats like a lingering heart.
It keeps time
for invisible strains
I am humming to a little one
who is not here.

:: ashli 5:15 AM # ::
:: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 ::
I am a single-issue voter. As I explained in a previous post somewhere back in the day o' the dinosaur, NO ISSUE matters watsoever unless you are alive. It would seem that life is priority number one.

Here's how my argument goes:

me: Uh huh, I LOVE the environment... but when it comes to a choice between a child and a tree, I'm going to choose the child.

liberal naysayer: Oh puh-lease. Chop down all the trees and the human race will die out, so there won't be ANY children at all!

me: Give me a break. No one is EVER going to chop down ALL the trees.

liberal naysayer: Yeah, and no one is ever going to abort ALL the children.

me: Exactly. So when it comes down to a choice between A child and A tree, I'm going to choose the child.

Try it. It's fun.

Yes, confound it, I AM a single-issue voter! And as such I must share the Florida Right to Life primary endorsements in hopes that you will do as I do and forego the typical vote based on the best hairdo:

Johnnie B. Byrd, Jr.(R)
Mel Martinez (R)

Ander Crenshaw (R) 09
Michael Bilirakis (R) 12
Adam Putnam (R)
Dr. Frank Schwerin (R)

Stephen Wise (R)

Dave Murzin (R) 007

David A. Coley (R) 020
William Proctor ( R ) 031
Mitch Needelman (R) 034
David Mealor(R) 039
Fritz J. Seide (D) 046
John Legg (R) 047
Bill Bunkley (R) 077
Denise Grimsley(R) 109
Johnnie E. Cooper (D)

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government." - Thomas Jefferson

(For information on endorsements in your area, please go to http://www.nrlc.org or search Yahoo for your state's Right to Life group.)

:: ashli 11:42 PM # ::

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