:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Friday, March 23, 2007 ::

"The Democrat version of "primacy of conscience" is simply the fulfillment of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, where human beings, in substituting their judgment for the teaching of the Church, attempt to acquire personal freedom beyond morality."

"The truth is, we don't want to surrender our will to Him, and liberals exploit that. We want to have our cake and eat it too. We want Jesus, but on our own terms."

~Alisa Craddock

HT: One who should make Two Hills green tea part of daily living (you know who you are)!

:: ashli 4:37 PM # ::
:: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 ::
Abort Gay Babies?

:: ashli 1:25 PM # ::
:: Thursday, March 15, 2007 ::
Aren't these "after abortion" cards just precious!

God is right there by your side,
requiring nothing of you
and holding your hand
as you kill His children.

Indeed, everyone who chooses to end the life of a growing child should be encouraged by the sweet tenderness of a Hallmark moment that reaffirms the brainwashing mantra of "you did the right thing."

As one card says:

"I think you're strong
smart, thoughtful and
caring. I believe in you
and your ability to
make the best decision.
I think you did the
right thing."

After all, killing your own gestating child is always the right thing for any reason. It's so thoughtful and caring. And there's no one smarter than the person who has consensual sex and gets pregnant when she absolutely doesn't want to be pregnant.

As long as strength means making someone else suffer the deadly consequences of your own "smart" choices, these cards will be appropriate.

:: ashli 6:56 PM # ::
:: Monday, March 12, 2007 ::
"Physicians are not obligated to, and in fact should not, reinfibulate patients who have been deinfibulated for labor and delivery. This is in keeping with ethical precepts that counsel physicians to avoid causing physical, social, and emotional harm to their patients.[29]"

So basically, it's ok for me to ask a doctor to kill my child in the second trimester, this is ethical, but it's not ok for me to ask my doctor to sew my labia shut, which is unethical.

(Amusing: Perhaps if I had been infibulated, I wouldn't have gotten the rare, pregnancy-related disease that caused me to ask an obliging doctor to kill my child in the second trimester. LOL!)

(Yeah, I said it.)

:: ashli 9:06 AM # ::
It's coming.

Watch the trailer.

:: ashli 7:35 AM # ::
:: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 ::
Abortion proponents "Dred" Scott's great-great granddaughter.

:: ashli 1:15 PM # ::
:: Friday, March 02, 2007 ::
Comment from an anonymous reader:

"I just had to share this picture, which so beautifully illustrates a mom's bond with her unborn baby. How is it possible for a society to celebrate beautiful life-affirming images such as this, then turn right around and endorse abortion? I don't think I will ever understand this double standard."

:: ashli 6:37 AM # ::

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