:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 ::

Sorry about the long absence. Sometimes I just need a break. Right now I'm studying Tedd Tripp's book "Shepherding a Child's Heart". I mean, I'm REALLY studying this thing, so it is taking up all of my spare time. Time I would normally use for blogging.

This whole abortion thing... sheesh... trying to help everyone else's children (and everyone else with the sacred task of parenting) is a passion for me... so much so that sometimes I neglect child-rearing issues in my own life. In short, sometimes I need time to work on my own parenting for the good of my own children.

So, for a while at least, I'm going to probably be something of a weekend blogger.

Next week I may not even get around to that, because I'm going to the beach for a week. (So if any home shows want to come and give my house a much-needed makeover, you have seven undisturbed days to do it. The key is under the mat and I'm a mid-century girl. Clicko all the way!)

Right now I am tenatively scheduled to be interviewed on a radio program during the vacation. What is the subject? Post-abortion "healing". I am thinking much about it. More details to come.

For now, two things:

1. For 25 years I was a "religious" abortion supporter, so being "religious" isn't what changed my mind about abortion. Abortion is what changed my mind about abortion. And with the conversion of my abortion views came a conversion of religious views. The Burger King (religion "my way") became the King of Kings (Christianity His way). I caught Stanley on Sunday and was blown away, because, although he doesn't specifically mention abortion, so much of what he talked about could directly relate to "choice", what I learned about God after abortion, and the subject of "healing". Watch the program. (Just click "Broadband".) Deal with it honestly; prepare to be floored.

2. Is it just me, or is it too much of a coincidence that "Violene" is just one letter away from "Violence"?

:: ashli 10:37 AM # ::

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