:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 ::

Ever wondered what you can do to help prevent the abortion-related deaths of American children? Ever wanted to take action and yet, standing outside of abortion clinics with posters of aborted babies isn't really your thing? Ever felt like voting pro-life is right up your alley but only being able to do so every 4 years is leaving you a little flat?

Well, cheer up! Today you can take a stand and say NO to the Obama administration's imminent intent (we're talkin' within the next 24 hours) to fast-track socialized health care. Socialized health care means RATIONING health care...which means that women with RARE and EXPENSIVE pregnancy diseases will more than likely not make the cut...which means that more of their pregnancies will end in abortion.

So, do this today (you can do it for FREE by clicking on the "How to Send Your Own Faxes" button on the left sidebar at that site). Also, these Dems oppose fast-tracking, so call them and urge them to oppose fast-tracking socialized health care:

Senator Mark Begich
Senator Robert Casey 202-224-6324
Senator Mary Landrieu 202-224-5824
Senator Max Baucus 202-224-2651
Senator Daniel Inouye 202-224-3934
Senator Mark Pryor 202-224-2353
Senator Amy Klobuchar 202-224-3244
Senator Carl Levin 202-224-6221
Senator Blanche Lincoln 202-224-4843
Senator Robert Byrd 202-224-3954
Senator Evan Bayh 202-224-5623

And as always call your own senators/congressperson.

I sent the faxes, called the Democrat senators and my own senators and congressman. You do the same. You'll be glad you did!

:: ashli 8:43 AM # ::

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