:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 ::

I tell you, I have gotten the best Christmas present I could get this year: watching you folks in action. You continue to blow my mind with your compassionate activism on behalf of a mother and daughter you have never even met. How lucky am I to watch God pouring you out like glittering snowflakes upon this situation at Christmas!

With permission, an anonymous letter I received this morning:


Just read your S.O.S. for the pregnant mother's mortgage. My 6 kids (4-14 yrs. old) just won a $* prize in a poster contest that they would like to send, and I will add another $*, so you have a total of $* to be sent to the church on Wednesday. It will take 3 days for the check to get to Florida.

Our family erects the pro-life booth at the fair, and my kids work the booth with me. We talk to many young women during "fair week", but we never know how many lives we've touched. This is the perfect way for us to know we are helping someone, so we are very happy to do this. We will keep the courageous mother and baby in our prayers."

Christmas really does not come in a package. It comes in the hearts of all of you as you actively honor the love, grace and mercy that our Creator has bestowed upon all of us in sending His greatest Gift so long ago.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

*I omitted the financial information so as to avoid any pressure or comparison. Every donation of any amount is a precious gift of life and is much appreciated.

:: ashli 2:04 PM # ::

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