:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: After abortion[>]
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:: Thursday, June 30, 2005 ::

I am taking a college class in the fall while continuing to be a SAH, canning, crocheting, embroidering, cloth-diapering, bread-baking, home-schooling mom. I'm also going to be directing a scouting program. Sooo... I'm going to bid a fond farewell to blogging.

After abortion I'm in quite a fix. I choose to survive, however, so every now and again I will post some tragic internal happening out of sheer necessity... those desperate, unshakable, marrow moments where it's either blog or blade.

I'll slip in and out quietly; you'll not even notice. Forgetfulness' cobwebbs will hang themselves. The nature of time and inactivity. One week and I'll be reduced to obsolescence. I accept it.

Even so, a short span remains... though I fear it will be akin to the final Seinfeld episode: nothing major and somewhat disappointing.

I promise I will get to the tea cup and the ornament.

:: ashli 12:20 AM # ::

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