:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Sunday, April 10, 2005 ::

Patte time, baby!

"Orlando Women's Center Abortion Facility
Saturday, April 9, 2005
6:15am to 10am

**"Pam" reluctantly accompanied her friend "Regina. Although Regina's boyfriend has held a gun to her and beaten her repeatedly, she is addicted to him. Pam has taken Regina in and offered to help her escape to another state to have and raise her baby. She even offered to raise Regina's child herself. When all of her offers failed to persuade Regina from killing her infant, Pam figured that she'd drive her to the killing place.
Pam admitted: "I feel bad. Abortion isn't right. I know that. But, what else could I do? She was coming here anyway."

We told Pam that she should have been completely forthright, loving her friend enough to tell her to her face: "Regina, you know that I am your friend. You know that I love you like a sister. I've already told you that I would help you get away from your no good boyfriend, place the baby for adoption, I will even raise your baby myself. Those are the things that I WILL do for you. But there is something that I WON'T do. I love you but I can't and I won't help you kill this little baby."
Pam was convinced that she'd brought her friend to a slaughterhouse. She asked: "Am I in trouble with God for coming here with her?"

We helped Pam see that she could do something right and good NOW. We asked Pam to go inside, sit with her friend and try her hardest to convince Regina not to kill her child. She went back inside and reasoned, begged, plead with her friend. Nothing. Pam finally told Regina that she couldn't, in good conscience, remain with her if she was going to dismember her living son or daughter.

Regina actually turned to Pam and said: "It's obvious to me that this abortion is harder on you than it is on me. Go home if you want to. I can catch a taxi when it's all over."
And that's exactly what Pam did. She left her friend to kill and in her abandonment Pam revealed what true friendship really is.

**25-year-old Celia arrived with her father. As I spoke with her and showed her our special info packet, she brushed me aside, saying: "Listen, I know all about this. This isn't my first time."

I asked Celia: "How many abortions have you had?"
Celia said: "A lot."
I pressed her: "How many?"
She responded: "I said, a lot!"
I asked again: "Celia, how many abortions have you had?"
Celia shot back: "Five!"
I asked if she had any living children.
"Yes, I have two."

In sum, this was her EIGHTH pregnancy. At 25, Celia was about to kill her SIXTH child. And what did her dad have to say about all this?

"Get the f*#* away from here and mind your own business!"

**"YVONNE" brought a friend to kill her fifth child. Both Yvonne and her friend are professing Christians who believe:

"God is gracious. We all sin. Abortion isn't right, we know that, but God is merciful."

I brought out the slip of paper on which I have printed Hebrews 10:26 & 27. Yvonne looked very serious as she read the powerful, haunting words out loud:

"If we sin willfully after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for our sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment ..."

I reminded Yvonne about the "many" who will call out to the resurrected Jesus Christ in all His glory and power. Then I asked her if she remembered what He will say to those "many" in that day?
Yvonne answered solemnly: "Depart from Me, I never knew you."
Yvonne seriously contemplated these things silently for a minute or two. Then, she dismissed the Word of God, saying: "It's all about grace anyway."
Yvonne chided me: "Now, you know a lot about scripture and a lot about God, but you shouldn't be here intimidating people with your knowledge."
I brought the video of a live abortion out to show Yvonne what we were talking about. She laughed and pushed my portable DVD player away. "Come on now," she said. "I'm hungry and that is sure gonna ruin my appetite."

**"Carl" brought his girlfriend "Sharon" explaining, "We don't care about this baby. We don't want 'it'. It's not the right time. She already has a kid. And, let's put it this way, if she did have 'it', I told her that I'd raise the child with me. Right now, we're alright with killing 'it'."
Carl's two sisters came along to "support" Carl while Sharon killed their nephew or niece.
Carl's sister said: "The fact that Sharon is willing to do this shows how she really feels about my brother."

**"Will" drove his girlfriend "Stephanie" to kill their baby. As he got out of his car Will turned to me and said: "We're not interested in what you have to say."
He tried to shield me from speaking to Stephanie, leading her straight back inside the car and shut the door and closed the window. All morning long Will smirked and laughed, "This isn't our first. We've killed 8 babies already, and can't wait to do it again."

When I suggested that there have always been homes and families for these babies. Will turned to me, smiled, and said: "Nah, that wouldn't be any fun now would it? We want to KILL them."

**We overheard 16 year old "Sandrita's" dad "Javier" say, "This isn't right. You shouldn't do this. I don't like this."
His eyebrows were furled and he paced back and forth on the porch of the clinic. His lovely daughter was killing his grandbaby. Gina reached out to him. Javier admitted: "I don't approve of this at all. She's only 16 though and this is what she wants. More than that, this is what her mother Suzy wants."
Gina encouraged Javier saying: "You are the man, the head of the household. Lead your family. You say what should happen here, Javier. Take your precious daughter away from here. This child is a blessing to your family. You will never regret supporting Sandrita through the pregnancy."
Then, something precious happened... He took his Sandrita away from the slaughterhouse. Javier took his daughter home!

**At 9:15am Marianna came running over to me, out of breath. A woman had pulled up in front of the clinic and was asking for help! What a a delight to meet a very happily pregnant (8 months!) "Lora Lee"! This 22-year-old single mom happened to be driving by and noticed our mobile unit with the sign offering ultrasound. She wondered if we could help her. I introduced myself and she took gratefully took my hand. I asked "What do you need?"
Lora Lee responded shyly, "I very much need maternity clothes."
I got Sheri, who works at TLC Women's Center, and introduced her to Lora Lee. When she explained how much help she could get at TLC, Lora Lee was excited. Sheri and Lora Lee enjoyed getting to know one another as embarked on their journey of friendship and true feminism.

The center provided her with LOTS of beautiful things to wear and Lora Lee left smiling with a big bag of clothes. TLC invited Lora Lee to return for a lovely layette when her baby was born. Sheri and Lora Lee became ready-made friends and happily exchanged telephone numbers. They've already made plans to go garage sale-ing together.

Lora Lee is a professing Christian and a member of a Haitian Baptist church. She is a single mom of an 8-year-old. She works full time. The baby she is carrying is due in June. Lora Lee explained that she might marry the father of her baby (who lives in Haiti) in a year or two.

Many more of our "neighbors", to quote Mr. Rogers, were there at the abortion facility. There was a woman named "Lucy". "Jason" accompanied his sister "Stacy". Many names were never spoken. So many lost women and men, so many infants' bodies were violated, destroyed, and disgarded like trash.

Abortionist Randall Whitney, the man of many faces, arrived at 9:15am. The bloodshed commenced. Randall Whitney, professing man of God, former elder of his church, active weekly Bible study participant, cleans pots as a committed volunteer at a soup kitchen every month. This child-killer, woman-maimer identifies himself as a post-modern Christian, and arrived to end the precious lives of over a dozen innocent people before sitting down to lunch.

As I packed up to leave "Will" came over to me and said: "Excuse me, maam. May I have that poster of that aborted baby? I really like it. I want to have it framed and put it on my wall."
I told Will that I couldn't give him that one but said that he could have the beautiful adoption bumper sticker instead.
He said "Why would I want that? That's not what we're doing."

Sheri and I went out for breakfast together after getting verbally abused all morning, the usual. As we talked about the morning and enjoyed the sweet relief of hanging out with sane and caring friends, our waiter Frank overheard our conversation.

He opened up and asked us about ourselves. As he was picking up the creamers, he stopped for a minute, looking very reflective. Frank admitted that before he "came out" he was sleeping with a woman. When she became pregnant, he encouraged her to allow him to raise the child or make an adoption plan. She wanted him to marry her "or else".

His girlfriend murdered their baby and now, 9 years later, he speaks with open sorrow and regret. Frank will never have another child. Sheri and I were able to share a bit of the gospel with Frank and he hurried off to answer the call of another customer. We left Frank a big tip and words of encouragement from God."

:: ashli 8:39 PM # ::

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