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:: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 ::

Christopher Reeve dies and an article has this to say:

"He used his Hollywood fame to win attention and funding for scientific study of disabilities like his and to lobby for looser restrictions on stem-cell research.

'I consider myself a spokesman for people who can't call the president or a senator or testify before Congress,' Reeve said in a 1998 interview with The Associated Press."

A spokesman for people who can't call the president or a senator or testify before Congress? What, like all the children whose lives he was eager and willing to exchange for a cure?

What happened to Reeve was a tragedy, but deeming the lives of others as less important than his own (and advocating their sacrifice) only compounds the woe of it all. And there is nothing heroic or courageous about that.

:: ashli 10:09 PM # ::

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