A big thank you to the teeny, tiny minority who wrote to do what they could for the three situations listed at the Cell (young mom dying of cancer, ex-abortion clinic worker, mail-in shower for mom of saved baby). Thanks also for those of you who turned the situations over to other groups of people who also wanted to help. 3 or 4 folks turned into a significant, helpful group.
Just so you know, the ex-abortion clinic worker is overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of people who were formerly seen as "enemy number one". Compassion is unbelievably effective.
A big thanks also to the people who didn't necessarily write to help these folks but who donate monthly to good, life-affirming causes such as Feminists for Life.
It's never ever good enough to say you're "pro-life".
You must BE"pro-life", for all it takes for evil to prevail is good people who DO nothing.