:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 ::


Email I received:

"Will send the whole story in a bit. *** did get there in time to call out her name. She denied being ***. It was her though. She, her mother and the baby are all inside the abortion business now. More soon."

I will keep you posted.

This is just one mother, one grandma, one child...
This drama is being played out over and over again on a daily basis every few minutes. Meanwhile there's a woman crying somewhere because it is taking so long for her social worker to call her with the news that a birthmother has chosen her to parent her child. Trashcans everywhere are consuming her dream, consuming scads of precious, precious children, consuming our society's collective conscience and humanity. When will the sanction of this brutal practice end?

:: ashli 10:12 AM # ::

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