:: The S.I.C.L.E. Cell ::

my view from the prison of a SICLE (Self-Imposed Child Loss Experience) due to debilitating maternal disease
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:: Saturday, March 27, 2004 ::

A few days ago I posted an entry on a mom who was diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy and advised to abort. She chose not to abort her daughter.

Her daughter was born healthy and well, and Mom is now fighting for her life. It's not looking so good. Last week the doctors gave her some bad news: she's too far gone for any more chemo. On Monday she went to the Moffit cancer treatment center in Florida to find out how much longer she has to live.

A Bit of Hope
Doctors have decided to go ahead and try some weird new nothing-to-lose chemo on her in hopes that it will extend her life for 2 to 5 more years. No guarantees.

Her daughter is not even a year old, and Mom has a pre-schooler also. She continues to fight for as much remaining time with them. This mom is in her 20's and has a wonderful husband who is just heartbroken. However, they are hanging in there, and Mom is terribly brave.

Her husband is trying to make the most of the time they have left and as I indicated in the last related post, he is trying to plan a family camping trip to Disney's Fort Wilderness. They are financially drained as you can well imagine, and his mom has been asking for help for this devastated family.

Requested help:
1. Inspirational cards with a positive, encouraging message from the sender
2. Donations to help with expenses

They are all Christians, so anything related would be much appreciated.

Since my last post on this mom only TWO people have asked for the address to send something: a Christian and an atheist.

I find this interesting.

I think we should all ask ourselves what it would be like to be in this mom's shoes and how we would want people to treat us.

A card only costs a buck at WalMart.

So let's try this ONE MORE TIME...

Anyone who is interested in helping this mom who was willing to sacrifice her own life for that of her unborn daughter please email me, and I will send you her home address.

This mom is dying of cancer, so please, be tactful and appropriate. No abortion debates. That means no cleverly thrown in sentiments like:

"I support a woman's 'right to choose' but I hope you are hanging in there."

Have some couth for cryin' out loud.

It's sad that I even have to say that, but I think we all know how some people can be.

:: ashli 5:45 PM # ::

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